This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.

TypoScript options relevant for data protection

advanced.acceptTermsCondsOnSubmit specify an ID of your page with term and conditions, the link shows up beside the submit button in commenting forms. When the ID is specified the terms and conditions must be accepted before submitting a comment

dataProtect.setCookie = 1 Set (1) or don't set (0) a cookie with data of not logged in commenters

dataProtect.cookieLifetime = 31 Lifetime in days for a cookie, minimum is 7 days

dataProtect.useDisclaimer = 1 Shows a Disclaimer menu point above the comments list. (1)

dataProtect.useDisclaimerInRatingsOnly = 0 Shows a Disclaimer menu point when only ratings are shown (ratings.ratingsOnly=1)

dataProtect.disclaimerPageID = ID of your page with additional policy for dataprotection, link shown in disclaimer menu

dataProtect.disclaimerSystemCheck = 1 Checks if database is on same server, checks if https is enabled and then shows a security rating of the site.

dataProtect.disclaimerFromTocToc = 1 Shows the software creators disclaimer in the disclaimer

dontSkipSearchEngines = 0 comments are hidden from search engines, if you want search engines to index all your comments set this option to 1