This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.

Rating subcomponents "Likes" and "Stars"

The rating component has two subcomponents. One subcomponent is the rating system with Likes, it has been expanded by emoLikes in version 9.1.0.


The other subcomponent is the rating system using stars.


Star ratings may have scopes.


Star ratings in reviews are different from star ratings in comments.

In reviews the star rating by record, content element or page is always shown as part of the users review, including the sum and average of review-ratings on top of the plugin.

In comments users are not forced to vote, so the star rating by record, content element or page is only shown on top of the plugin.

Both sub components can be combined. For ratings on comments the emoLikes are not available.

The following TypoScript-options (options are also available in the TYPO3 backend plugin) allow to enable or disable the components. (here with the default values)

# Enable or disable star ratings
    ratings.useVotes = 1
# Enable or disable Like and Dislike
    ratings.useLikeDislike = 1
# Enable or disable Dislike
    ratings.useDislike = 1