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AJAX-Login mode

This screenshot shows the full featured AJAX-Login stand alone plugin

AJAX-Login includes sign-up functionality – users can create a fe_users account and login directly when the account is created.

Also for forgotten passwords the recovery of a new password can be done in this plugin mode.


Note that users can login with their Facebook- or Google+-accounts To use this features, you have to create first an app for your website on Google or Facebook and then add the App ID and Secret to toctoc_comments pi2-TS-Setup

Note on the Captcha for the registration process: It is strongly recommended that you use sr_freecap

Note on preventing abusive user registrations: You can either enable COI or be even more restrictive and require Administrator Confirmation for new users.

  1. COI (confirmed Opt-In) forces new fe_users to confirm their e-mail. This does not apply for Facebook or Google+-Accounts, since their e-mail is already confirmed to be true.
  2. Administrator confirmation triggers all kinds of new users, Google+ and Facebook account included.