This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.

How it works and prerequisites

TS needed on the page

On the page where you want to make loginRequired available, you need to make sure that TS-option plugin.tx_toctc_comments_pi1.advanced.loginRequired is set to 1.

With this preparation for the page are done.

TypoScript for toctoc_comments

If you have different setups for normal and logged in users, then you must specify the options for logged in users as well in confAJAXlogin, and thise for logged out users in confAJAXlogout

plugin.tx_toctoccomments_pi1 {
confAJAXlogin {
spamProtect {
requireApproval = 0
useCaptcha = 0
confAJAXlogout {
spamProtect {
requireApproval = 1
useCaptcha = 1

Remark: This is redundant to the set-up you might have made with TypoScrip-conditions on logged in or not logged in users, but it's necessary. When an AJAX request hits the server, then the plugin-configuration needs to be sent along the AJAX-request, we do not read the plugin configuration on AJAX-requests. The plugin-configuration is refreshed only on page reloads.

TypoScript for error messages

The existing TypoScript should to be extended as follows:

The error message should have about the same length as the welcome message. The goal is that the login area do not need to be resized much when an error occurs.

The original error message is too long, with the following TypoScript you can control the output in these labels

plugin.tx_toctoc_comments_pi2 {
de {
ll_welcome_message = Bitte geben Sie Ihren Benutzernamen und Ihr Passwort ein oder oeffnen Sie ein neues Konto
ll_error_message = Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten. Ueberpruefen Sie Ihren Angaben und versuchen Sie es nochmals
en {
ll_welcome_message = Please enter your username and password or open a new account
ll_error_message = An error has occurred. Check your data and try again