This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.

New in versions 9.x.x

  • toctoc_comments 9.2.10 allows to break long words in comments lists, see option advanced.makeBreakWordsLongerThan
  • With toctoc_comments 9.2.0 the CSS-modell has been dropped as announced 1 year ago, when LESS was introduced for CSS-generation
  • toctoc_comments 9.2.0 improves performance with better caching and reduced output from server to client
  • toctoc_comments 9.1.0 brings a new kind of ratings, called the emoLikes. EmoLikes are heavily inspired by the reactions Facebook introduced in winter 2016
  • toctoc_comments 9.0.0 brings a new responsive and AJAX-based backend module. Old, non AJAX-Backend module is still available, new Backend module is available only with TYPO3 version 6 or newer
  • Code of the backend module has been reorganized
  • In the report bad comment form and in the sign-up component the captcha option is set to the internal captcha of toctoc_comments by default. sr_freecap can still be used
  • LESS-model Version 2 implements the changes in design according to the evolution of design observed in social networks like Facebook.

The design in frontend used before version 9 can still be used by changing the according TYPO3-option theme.themeVersion.