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User Administration

In the overview click on List Users. It shows the (toctoc_comments)-users on the active page of the TYPO3 page-tree, on the root-level it shows all users available.


For users there is a little report showing their activities.

For users 3 bulk actions are available.


Note that with “Kill selected users data from DB” all data from the selected user is removed from the database.

However, if a deleted or killed user was a fe_users-user, the entry in fe_users-table remains untouched. Think of this when you offer login with Facebook – Facebook user data is stored in fe_users.

Deleting a user completely includes physical delete from fe_users.


Merging users into a user is the 3rd bulk action possible in user administration


Please specify the destination user in the input field beside the bulk action options.

! Important note:

Merging users and killing user data transform you database that there won't be an undo possible. If you want to restore the data before bulk actions, then first dump the tx_toctoc_comment-tables in MySQL so you can run a restore if needed.