This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.


All theme options are valid per webpage (W)

Property: Data type: Description: Default:
selectedTheme string Selected color theme (CSS): Basic color-palette that is used by the extension in frontend

Default = default

White on Black Theme = black

White on Red Theme = red

Custom Theme = custom

Koogle = koogle

TISQUS = tisqus

Windows = windows

TripAdvisor = tripad

Work theme = work

themeFontFamily string Font Family for theme: used for textareas tahoma,verdana,arial,sans-serif
selectedBoxmodel string Boxmodel filename: To apply as Boxmodel on the CSS select an existing boxmdel here, value like myboxmodel.txt or myboxmodel (.txt is no longer needed since v 8.0.0)  
boxmodelTextareaLineHeight int+ Textarea height: Height of textareas of forms, 10 - 60. 30 (v 7.2.0.; before: 20)
boxmodelTextareaNbrLines int+ Textarea number of lines: How many lines the textarea contains ? 1 - 6. 1
boxmodelSpacing int+ Boxmodel element x-spacing:Horizontal spacing between elements in the boxmodel, 0 - 20. 10 (V7.2.0.; before: 4)
boxmodelLineHeight int+ CSS-Line Height: Lineheight in the plugin, 14 - 40. 20 (V7.2.0.; before: 16)
boxmodelLineHeightPreserve boolean CSS-Line Height: Preserve original line-height, saves some lines of CSS, but results with ratingstars and ilike thumbs can be out of mesure. (ajust CSS manually for this) 1
usethemeFontFamilyForPlugin boolean Use themeFontFamily as font-family for the entire plugin. 1
boxmodelLevelIndent options

Indent for levels: Indent in fraction of user image size, if set to for it's the boxmodelSpacing (very small, good for mobile solutions)


boxmodelLabelWidth int+ Width of labels, 50 - 200. 134
boxmodelInputFieldSize int+ Size of Form Input fields, 12 - 40. 35
boxmodelLabelInputPreserve boolean

Inputfield design: Uses the old default layouted (0) - or non layouted (1) design for form input field and labels.


1 (V 7.2.0)
boxmodelButtonPreserve boolean

For Button design: Uses the old default - layouted(0) - or non layouted(1) design for form buttons. To enable non layouted design option boxmodelLabelInputPreserve has to be set to 1 as well.

(V 6.0.0)

responsiveSteps string

Screenwidths for responsive design in px: This are the window-widths in pixels when toctoc_comments changes the layout to fit in the place on the screen. Defaults are the original values from the CSS-file.


crunchCSS boolean

crunch CSS (1) or leave CSS uncompressed (0)

( V5.2.0)

useLessToolTips int+

when set to 1, then on devices smaller than 768 less tooltips are shown, if set to 2 its regardless from screen width.

( V5.3.0)

emojiNoToolTips boolean

when set to 1, then smiles and emojis have no tooltips

( V5.3.0)

refreshCSSFromLESS boolean Create CSS from LESS (1, default) or use traditional way (CSS, PHP, Boxmodels and Themes) (0) ( V8.0.0) 1
themeVersion int+ Designversion for themes: Version 1 is initial design (2012-2015), version 2 is the design evolution 2016 (Different Like Buttons) ( V9.0.0) 2
Options from setup-only      
selectedBoxmodelkoogled boolean

"Koogled" boxmodels have either the word koogle in the name or set this to 1. This does the following:

* Margin of comments in comments list get 6 pixels less margin for the texts in top ratings lists and charts

* Usercards get prepared to display a background image on top

* The Expand-Icons have more left margin

* Opacity of form is initialized with 0.5

freezeLevelCSS options set this to 0 if you want to force CSS-generation, 1 for normal mode (changes in boxmodel or conf trigger refreshs) or 2 for frozen CSS (files must exist!) (S) (V 5.0.0.) 1
UserImageCSSGrayScale string Adds a CSS GrayScale filter over the userimages in comments list 2 values, comma-sparated, first value is normal state, 2nd value is hover-state (V 9.1.0.) 50%,0%
UserImageCSSBlur string Adds a CSS GrayScale filter over the userimages in comments list 2 values, comma-sparated, first value is normal state, 2nd value is hover-state (V 9.1.0.) 0px,0px
UserImageCSSSepia string Adds a CSS GrayScale filter over the userimages in comments list 2 values, comma-sparated, first value is normal state, 2nd value is hover-state (V 9.1.0.) 0%,0%