This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.

Where are the files?

CSS-outputs are all in res/css/temp/.

CSS-file used for emojis is in res/css/emoji/, there are 4 variants, named emoji[size of emojis in pixel ].css. Emojis' CSS is from TS-setup:

advanced.useEmoji = 1
options[inactive=0,emoji images 16px=1,emoji images 20px=2,emoji images 26px=3,emoji images 33px=4]
make use of Emoji pictures: Unicode Emojis are replaced by image emojis in comments and while entering comments :text emojis: are converted to unicode-emojis.

CSS-file for the flowplayer is contrib/flowplayer/css/functional.css

If you don't use emojis and/or video attachments, then you can remove the corresponding lines refering these files in the template file res/template/toctoccomments_template.html