This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.


Property: Data type: Description: Default:
enableRatings boolean

Enables web site visitors to rate comments. Notice that ratings change is only available if comments are not closed for the item. When comments are closed, ratings automatically become read-only

(P – Ratings – Enable ratings)

ratingsOnly boolean Enable ratings only: Use plugin as rating-only version (P – Ratings – enable only Ratings)  
minValue integer Minimum rating value. This must not be changed once ratings are in use already. Changing this value also requires CSS adjustments (length of voting bar). 1
maxValue integer Maximum rating value. This must not be changed once ratings are in use already. Changing this value also requires CSS adjustments (length of voting bar). (S) 5
ratingImageWidth (DROPPED) integer RatingImageWidth has been removed with version 6.0.0. The width of the image used for ratings (and reviews) is calculated automatically now from the corresponding images in the themes/img folder. Responsible file names: “toctoc_comments_myrating_star.png” and for the reviews it's “toctoc_comments_myreview_star.png”  
mode auto or static “auto” means that ratings will operate as they normally do on web sites (user votes and he cannot vote on this item any more). “static” means that the user will not be able to vote: ratings will be auto
disableIpCheck boolean

Disables the IP address check for voting. The IP check is made with the userid for logged in users. When the IP check is active (0), then a user on the same IP can make a vote, but he won’t be able to change it. When it’s inactive, then the user can change his vote.

(V 6.0.0) With former versions this option allowed users to vote any number of times on the item - the feature has been migrated 1:1 from former extension ratings to toctoc_comments. It was useful for testing, but not much more than this.

Now it allows to change the vote – this is useful !

additionalCSS string Allows to change the appearance of ratings without changing template. Typically ratingImageWidth needs to be changed too. (W)  
ratingsTemplateFile string Template file for ratings shown in the plugin. Accepts either site-relative path or extension-related path (EXT: prefix) (P – Ratings – Template file for ratings) EXT:toctoc_comments/res/template/ toctoccomments_ratings.html
useMyVote boolean Show the vote of the user (P – Ratings – use “My vote”) 1
useVotes boolean Shows the rating stars and enables voting, if checked. (P – Ratings – use voting and show rating stars) 1
useNumberOfVotes boolean Shows the number of votes: Shows the number of votes, if checked 1
useNumberOfStars boolean Shows the number of stars: Shows the number of stars, if checked 0
useAvgOfVotes boolean Shows the average of votes: Shows the average value of votes, if checked 1
useScopesForVote string List of scopes to be used for voting: A list of uids for scopes, separated by commas (P – Ratings – Use scope(s) for voting)  
useOverallScopeForVote boolean For scoped ratings, show overall: if checked overall will be visible. (P – Ratings – Use overall for scoped voting) 1
enableOverallScopeForVote boolean For scoped ratings, enable overall: if checked overall will be clickable 0
useLikeDislike boolean Show Like and Dislike Features, if checked both are active. (P – Ratings – use iLike AND iDislike ) 1
useDislike boolean Show Dislike Features; makes only sense in connection with useLikeDislike. (P – Ratings – use or don’t use iDislike) 1
useTopVotes boolean Shows the rating stars and enables voting, if checked on top of the plugin 1
useTopLikeDislike boolean Show Like and Dislike Features on top of the plugin 1
useLikeDislikeStyle options Show Like and Dislike Features in alternative representation: Short display (1) shows thumbs for iLike above comment, only numbers are displayed. Also the voting stars are place above the comment [only below comment=0,short display and separate thumbs=1]  
dlikeCtsNotifLvl int+ Send notification to admin if level is reached: An email will be sent to admins mailbox (spamProtect.notificationEmail), when this number of dislikes is been reached 5
dlikeCtsNotifIdlTime int+ Time in minutes after a dislike notification without new notifications on the dislike: Only after this time an email will be sent to admins mailbox (spamProtect.notificationEmail), when this number of dislikes is been reached 10
useShortTopLikes boolean Show short form for Like and Dislike Features on top of the plugin Like and Dislike on top of the plugin are displayed in short form 0
allowedNumberOfRatings int+ Maximum number of ratings allowed in a certain time: After this number of ratings the system checks if they have been made in the time allowed for this. If it was faster than this time, the user is prevented from making ratings for some time (V 6.0.0) 10
timeForAllowedNumberOfRatings int+ Time in minutes that is allowed for the allowed number of ratings: If more ratings than allowed have been made in this time, the user will be prevented from placing new ratings for a certain time (V 6.0.0) 2
allowedNumberOfRatingsExceededBlocktime int+ Time in minutes that a user is blocked if he made to many ratings - the wait penalty: After the last rating made the user has to wait for this time until he will be able to make more ratings or change his ratings (V 6.0.0) 13
useIPsInLikeDislike boolean Show resolved IP-addresses in tiptexts for Likes and iLikes (if a user name is not present): 1 IPs will be shown, 0 IPs will be counted in “Others” and won’t be shown in tip-texts (V 7.0.1) 1
emoLike boolean Use emoLikes (reactions): The Likes change to emoLikes, offering options such as "Love", "Wow", "Angry" (V 9.1.0) 1
emoLikeSet options Themed set to use as emoLikes Use emolikes from folder in ResourcesPublicIconsemolike [Social (Default)=default,Social (Facebook)=facebook, News=news,Foods and restaurants=food,Music=music] (V 9.1.0) default
likeTextWithUn boolean Use explicit Like and Unlike-Labels If enabled labels on likes will show an Unlike, if not it remains on Like (V 9.1.0) 0
Options from setup.txt      
emoLikeMaxTippEntries int+ Maximal number of users shown in tipptexts of the small emoLike-iconbar below the Like button when ratings.emoLike = 1 Limits from 3 to 10 (V 9.1.0) 4
LikeMaxReportLineEntries int+ Maximal number of users shown in Likereports aside the small like button on top when ratings.emoLike = 0 Limits from 2 to 5 (V 9.1.0) 3
LikeMaxReportTippEntries int+ Maximal number of users shown in tipptexts of the Likereports aside the small like button on top when ratings.emoLike = 0 Limits from 3 to 13 (V 9.1.0) 6
emoLikeMaxOverviewEntries int+ Maximal number of users shown in emoLike-overview Popups when ratings.emoLike = 1 Limits from 3 to 50 (V 9.1.0) 12