This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.

I get error message "The content element ID ..." instead of the plugin

The orange message "The content element ID containing the plugin could not be found automatically. Please use optionalRecordId to specify the content element."

This means that you should tell toctoc_comments directly on which content element id the comments will be referred. The reference to a content element is needed if you comment on content elements. It's needed as well for plugin operation when commenting on records. So when the automatic detection fails, by what ever reason, you'll get this message.

Automatic detection is the default behavior of toctoc_comments when it comes to this step of identification. If it fails, the information has to be given manually.

In the backend plugin choose a content element for the plugin in “General* -> “Trigger optional Record”.

When running toctoc_comments without backend plugin, then use TypoScript option optionalRecordId.