This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.


The same functions as for tt_news are also available for news. But the solution is is different:

With news use the ViewHelpers provided in folder Classes/ViewHelpers/Social. These ViewHelper may be used as documented inside the php-files itself. You can use them in all templates and partials of news where you can send a news_id to the ViewHelper.

Autoload up to TYPO3 7

Up to TYPO3 7 toctoc_comments loads 2 viewHelper for news automaticaly in autoload.php. So for installations older tan TYPO3 7 please use these vViewHelpers.

TYPO3 7 or newer

We recommend the following:

For TYPO3 7 or newer you need to copy manually (sorry) the ViewHelpers from folder
toctoc_comments/Classes/ViewHelpers/Social/TYPO3 7 and newer/
to folder

Keep in mind to check the ViewHelpers after updates of news

The 2 ViewHelpers

One of the ViewHelpers (ToctoccommentsViewHelper.php) is for display of the entire plugin. Like for tt_news you can send the TypoScript-Setup for toctoc_comments used in news directly from news TypoScript-Setup. The configuration for the plug-in is originating from TS, but every option can be overwritten from tx_news-TS setup:

plugin.tx_news {
# toctoc_comments configuration
toctoc_comments {
    ratings {
        useVotes =0
        useDislike =0

The other ViewHelper (ToctoccommentscountViewHelper) creates a Link to the DETAILs of the news Here you can use Option "commentsShowCountText", if set to 1 only the number of comments will be rendered. If 0 (default) it will be a text like "No comments"

plugin.tx_news {
  toctoc_comments {
      # text= 0, number=1
      commentsShowCountText = 0

See file Classes/help_ViewHelpers_for_news.txt for more informationon how to use the ViewHelpers in templates and partials