This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.

Normal Mode

Commenting, not logged in

This is the plugin operating in normal mode. It displays comments, ratings and sharing options.

Comments can be entered without captcha-check and without approval. The setting without captcha would typically apply for logged in users.

Note that you can also require Confirmed Opt-in by e-mail when anonymous users comment. Confirmed Opt-in sends an email to a first time user and asks him to confirm his email.

The following screen-shots show how to make an entry of a comment and then the approval process.


commenting, not logged in, step 1

After posting a comment the 'useCaptcha' option brings the captchas security question.

Here the plugin uses an internal clone of sr_freecap.


commenting, not logged in, step 2

After the captcha has been resolved the comment has been recorded in the database.

The user is informed to wait until the moderator (administrator) has approved the comment.


commenting, not logged in, step 3

The comments administrator receives then an e-mail, he can approve, delete or kill the comment (kill deletes a comment permanently) from the database.


Commenting with approval by administrator

As the admin clicks on approve comment a web page rendered by the extension is presented. The template for the page and the HTML-mails can be easily adapted to your needs.


Confirmation web page shown after approval

Commenting when user is logged in

When a user is logged into the website the form data such as email and name are already known, thus the user just can go ahead and enter his comment without reentering his personal data.

Comment approval is turned off by TypoScript-option

spamProtect.requireApproval = 0

the catcha question is turned off with

spamProtect.useCaptcha = 0

In the screen shots below you see Rolwf Doog make a comment


commenting, logged in, step 1

After submit Rowlf's comment is shown and highlighted


commenting, logged in, step 2

Commenting, Login required mode

You can force users to login before they can post comments


advanced.loginRequired = 1

the login required mode becomes active, the forms show up slightly different. Users can login with a website account or with their Facebook or Google+ account


Commenting, login required, login forms

Users with no website account can create one and are logged in after successful creation of their new user account


Commenting, login required, login forms and sign up form

Users who forgot their password can start the password change process with the forgot password form.

A mail is sent to the user with a link that shows up the change password form.


Commenting, login required, forgot password form

Login is made with AJAX.


Commenting, login required, loginprocess

When logged in the user can save comments.

Logout is available just aside the submit button


Commenting, login required, logged in

Rating and voting


This screenshot shows the plugin with iLike and voting enabled.