This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.


TypoScript options in sharing configure the sharing component, such as design used and what social networks will be available for sharing

All sharing options are valid per plugin (P). The sharing options – up to Version 5.5.0 – were part of the “advanced”-TypoScript-options. Here's their new place :-)

Property: Data type: Description: Default:
useSharing boolean

Use of Share-Links for social networks like Facebook, Google+ and Twitter

(P – Sharing – use sharing)

useOnlySharing boolean Use of Use the plugin only to display sharing (P – Sharing – use only sharing) (V 8.0.0) 0
sharingNoCalculatedCSS boolean

if you dont use the sharing components at all you can set this to 1, CSS generation for the sharrre component will be turned off resulting in less CSS.

(W) (V 5.0.0.)

useSharingDesign int Use Design with or without (default) buttons Default-popup=0,buttons-popup=1, default-open=2,buttons-open=3,Add This small=4,static display=5 Static display uses a deactivated version of design 3, buttons-open Don't combine 1 and 3 on the same webpage. (P – Sharing – use sharing design) 0
dontUseSharingFacebook boolean

Use of Share-Link for Facebook is suppressed

(P – Sharing – don't use Sharing for Facebook)

dontUseSharingGoogle boolean

Use of Share-Link for Google+ is suppressed

(P – Sharing – don't use Sharing for Google+)

dontUseSharingTwitter boolean

Use of Share-Link for Twitter is suppressed

(P – Sharing – don't use Sharing for Twitter)

dontUseSharingLinkedIn boolean

Use of Share-Link for LinkedIn is suppressed

(P – Sharing – don't use Sharing for LinkedIn)

0 (V 5.0.0.)
dontUseSharingStumbleupon boolean

Use of Share-Link for Stumbleupon is suppressed

(P – Sharing – don't use Sharing for Stumbleupon)

0 (V 5.0.0.)
dontUseSharingPinterest boolean

Use of Share-Link for Pinterest is suppressed

(P) (V 5.0.0.)

dontUseSharingDigg boolean

Use of Share-Link for Digg is suppressed

(P ) (V 5.0.0.)

dontUseSharingDelicious boolean

Use of Share-Link for Delicious is suppressed

(P) (V 5.0.0.)

dontUseSharingAddThisMore boolean Don't Use Add This more button Use of additional Share-Links with Add this is suppressed  
AddThisID string Your ID string for Add This, like ra-41230c846b24bb7c  
shareUsersTotalText string

Optional title for sharing line, it replaces text "share this page" after the total number of users who shared

(V 5.4.0) (P)

useShareIcon boolean

use an icon in the sharing line

(V 5.4.0)

shareDataText string

Optional text for shared item on Twitter, as shown in the share-message of the social network sharers

(V 5.4.0) (P)

sharePageURL string

Page URL you want to share. If left empty the current URL will be shared


(V 6.0.0)

noShareCount boolean

Dont show share count: If set to 1, the sharing totals won't be displayed

(V 8.0.0)

Options setup-only      
staticMode boolean

if enabled, sharing will be static (only results shown, sharing closed)

when a sharePageURL is given then staticMode is activated automatically and the sharing component displays in static mode

(V 8.0.0) (P)

staticModeNoDetails boolean

show only sharecount(1) or details by sharer(0)

(V 8.0.0)(P)