This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.


Property: Data type: Description: Default:
requireApproval boolean If enabled, messages will be set to disapproved state and notification will be sent to administrator (see notificationEmail below). If approval is not requested but checkTypicalSpam is set, messages still can be set to disapproved state and notification is sent. (P – Anti-Spam – Require approval of each comment) 1
useCaptcha string

Enables using captcha to post comments. Possible values are:

Captcha is checked after submit !

(P – Anti-Spam – Use captcha)

checkTypicalSpam boolean If set, extension automatically checks all comments for typical guest-book spam. If comments receives more than the value of spamCutOffPoint spam points, it is automatically set to disapproved state and notification is sent to the author in the plugin. 1
spamCutOffPoint integer If number of points is greater than this value, new comment is ignored, user receives spam warning message and e-mail to administrator is not sent. 10
freecapBackgoundcolor string freecaptcha-clone Backgoundcolor: Use valid rgb-code like 225,225, 225 255, 255, 255
freecapTextcolor string freecaptcha-clone textcolor:Use valid rgb-code like 25,25, 25 95, 107, 200
freecapNumberchars int+ Number of characters freecaptcha-clone:max is 10, min is 3 4
freecapHeight int+ Height for freecaptcha-clone: max is 50, min is 23. 23
notificationEmail string

E-mail address to send notifications to

(P – Anti-Spam – Send notification to this email)

informationEmail string Notify administrator about posted comment without approval by e-mail  
fromEmail string

E-mail address to send notifications from

(P – Anti-Spam – Send email from this address)

fromEmailName string

From e-mail Sendername:Notification to administrator about posted comment is sent from this name.

%site% is replaced by your sitename

( V5.3.0.)

%site% - Administrator
emailTemplateHTML string HTML-template to use for approval needed-notification email to administrator. Is also used for simple notifications without approval. EXT:toctoc_comments/res/template/ toctoccomments_template_email.html
emailTemplate string Template to use for Approval needed-notification email to administrator. It will result in a simple text-E-mail. EXT:toctoc_comments/res/template/ toctoccomments_template_email.txt
emailTemplateInfo string Template to use for information-notification email to administrator EXT:toctoc_comments/res/template/ toctoccomments_template_emailinfo.txt
emailTemplatecoiHTML string HTML-E-mail template for confirmed opt in:, it's used for confirmed opt in-request email to user who made a comment first time using his email-address. EXT:toctoc_comments/res/template/ toctoccomments_template_email_coi.html
emailcoiTemplate string Text-E-mail template for confirmed opt in:, it's used for confirmed opt in-request email to user who made a comment first time using his email-address. EXT:toctoc_comments/res/template/ toctoccomments_template_email_coi.txt
useIPblocking boolean Enables IP-Blocklists in frontend, if enabled comments by blocked IPs are evaluated as spam 1
confirmedOptIn   Enables Confirmed opt-in (COI): When a commentator sends his email first time, then he will receive a confirmation email and he needs to confirm his email address by clicking a link, which changes the state “hidden” of his comment from false to true. Remark: the comment might not be approved yet, this works in addition to coi and needs just to be handled normally.  
emailTemplateDislikeHTML string HTML-E-mail template notification on too many dislikes HTML-Template to use for notification email for dislike-alerts to administrator EXT:toctoc_comments/res/template/ toctoccomments_template_email_dislike.html
emailTemplateDislike string E-mail template for notification on too many dislikes Template to use for notification email for dislike-alerts to administrator EXT:toctoc_comments/res/template/ toctoccomments_template_emaildislike.txt
checkSMTPService boolean

Enables check of SMTP-Service before send: This feature needs PHP extension sockets to be compiled in the PHP-binary. It makes sending mail more safe and errors can be detected more easily. Requires SMTP-Service to be configurend correctly in INSTALL-Tool of TYPO3

V 7.0.2)

commentWaitTime integer Wait time between comments: Number of minutes an user has to wait before they may post another comment (includes all pages) 1
Options from setup.txt      
considerReferer boolean If set, checks that referrer of the current page is within the same web site. If not, message is set to disapproved state and notification is sent to administrator. (P – Anti-Spam – Check referrer)