
TYPO3 v6 has reached its end-of-life April 18th, 2017 and is not maintained by the community anymore. Looking for a stable version? Use the version switch on the top left.

There is no further ELTS support. It is strongly recommended updating your project.

Special pages


Going back to the page tree, you will notice different symbols are used for the different page types. The ones appearing in the menu on your website are normal pages. Nothing special about them. Then there are those with a dotted border (1) on the icon, these are pages that are hidden in menus.

Hide in menu

Pages hidden in menus are basically like the normal pages but don't appear in the menus. This is useful if you want to have a page, you just want to link to, but that should not appear in the menu. Edit the page properties of the page "Thank you for your feedback" (2) (use the page's context menu). Select the Access Tab (3):

Hiding a page in menus

As you see Visibility > In Menus > Hide is checked (4).


In the page tree you see some pages with a folder icon. By default pages created in TYPO3 CMS are meant to contain web page content. They appear in the menu and can have a title. 95% of all pages are used like that. But pages can also serve as simple containers for database elements that are not meant to be content of a visible web page. This is what folders are used for. Use them just like folders on a computer's file system to store different files in an organized manner. In the same way folders nicely organize database elements inside TYPO3 CMS. For example database elements are frontend users, frontend groups or news records (1).

You can create a folder by selecting it in the Type drop down in the page's properties (2):

Changing a page type from page to folder


A shortcut can be used to create a page that is empty but works - for example - as a parent page of other pages. Imagine you are selling a product and have a navigation like this on your website:

  • About us

  • My Product

  • Imprint

  • Contact

Now you want to have some subpages beneath the My Product page to convey the information about your product:

  • About us

  • My Product

    • Overview

    • Technical Details

    • Pricing and Shipping

  • Imprint

  • Contact

You do not really have content for the My Product page, you just want it to appear in the menu. Now you can use a shortcut to point the My Product page to the Overview page. What happens? Whenever you click the main menu point My Product you get directly to the overview page. You got your menu structure like you wanted but don't need content for the My Product page.

In the Introduction Package you will find a few shortcuts, too. The Home page is one of them. The symbol for a shortcut is the little arrow in the lower right (1).

You can create a shortcut like you create a folder - by selecting its type in the drop down (2) while editing page the properties:

Changing a page type from page to Shortcut

Visual Menu Spacer

Have a look at a further page type in our page tree:

A menu spacer inside the page tree

This type is called "visual menu spacer" and does basically nothing in a default TYPO3 installation. You can use it to divide the page tree into several parts, to separate tree entries and get an easier overview.