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Links to Edit Records
It is often needed to create links to edit records in the TYPO3 backend.
The same syntax is also used for creating new records.
TYPO3 provides an API for creating such links, namely
Make sure to use \TYPO3\
to create
backend links and not \TYPO3\
The variable available as $this->uri
in a controller is the
web routing UriBuilder and can only be used for frontend links.
When using Fluid templates, you cannot call PHP code directly. Therefore the uri either has to be created via PHP in the controller or a viewhelper to be used.
Below are a different examples, how edit links can be output in the backend.
<html data-namespace-typo3-fluid="true"
<f:translate key="function_links"/>
<f:translate key="function_links_intro"/>
<a href="{editPage1Link}">
<core:icon identifier="actions-document-open"/>
<f:translate key="function_links_edit_page"/> 1
<f:comment>Would only output the uri: <be:uri.editRecord uid="2" table="pages" returnUrl="foo/bar" /></f:comment>
<a href="{be:uri.editRecord(uid:2, table:'pages', returnUrl:'foo/bar')}">
<core:icon identifier="actions-document-open"/>
<f:translate key="function_links_edit_page"/> 2
<a href="{editPagesDoktypeLink}">
<core:icon identifier="actions-document-open"/>
<f:translate key="function_links_edit_pages_doktype"/>
<f:comment>Would only output the uri: <be:uri.newRecord pid="1" table="tx_examples_haiku" returnUrl="foo/bar" /></f:comment>
<a href="{be:uri.newRecord(pid:1, table:'tx_examples_haiku', returnUrl:'foo/bar')}">
<core:icon identifier="actions-document-new"/>
<f:translate key="function_links_new_haiku"/>
<a href="{createHaikuLink}">
<core:icon identifier="actions-document-new"/>
<f:translate key="function_links_new_spring_haiku"/>
The links appear as one can expect:

The two links in the Examples module
For the first link the variable edit
has to be set in the controller
for example like this:
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility;
use TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Mvc\Web\Routing\UriBuilder;
class ModuleController extends ActionController implements LoggerAwareInterface
public function linksAction(): ResponseInterface
$backendUriBuilder = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(\TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Routing\UriBuilder::class);
$uriParameters = ['edit' => ['pages' => [1 => 'edit']]];
$editPage1Link = $backendUriBuilder->buildUriFromRoute('record_edit', $uriParameters);
$uriParameters =
'edit' =>
'pages' =>
1 => 'edit',
2 => 'edit'
'tx_examples_haiku' =>
1 => 'edit'
'columnsOnly' => 'title,doktype'
$editPagesDoktypeLink = $backendUriBuilder->buildUriFromRoute('record_edit', $uriParameters);
$uriParameters =
'edit' =>
'tx_examples_haiku' =>
1 => 'new'
'defVals' =>
'tx_examples_haiku' =>
'title' => 'New Haiku?',
'season' => 'Spring'
'columnsOnly' => 'title,season,color'
$createHaikuLink = $backendUriBuilder->buildUriFromRoute('record_edit', $uriParameters);
'editPage1Link' => $editPage1Link,
'editPagesDoktypeLink' => $editPagesDoktypeLink,
'createHaikuLink' => $createHaikuLink,
return $this->htmlResponse();
Editing a Record
The examples above leads to the normal edit form for a page:

Page 1 ready for editing with the standard form
Additional options for editing records
When creating the link via php it is possible to add more options.
You can specify as many tables and uids you like and you will get them all in one single form! (short way of editing more records from the same table at once).
Also the fields to be displayed can be restricted.
$uriParameters =
'edit' =>
'pages' =>
1 => 'edit',
2 => 'edit'
'tx_examples_haiku' =>
1 => 'edit'
'columnsOnly' => 'title,doktype'
$editPagesDoktypeLink = $backendUriBuilder->buildUriFromRoute('record_edit', $uriParameters);
The fields to be included can be listed in the "columnsOnly" parameter, as a comma-separated list. The order of the fields doesn't matter, they get displayed in the order they appear in the TCA. If a field is missing or access restricted in one of the tables it just doesn't appear. However if one record to be edited is missing none of the records gets displayed.
The example above results in the following:

Editing of fields of two pages and one haiku at once
Display a Link to Create a New Record
There is a backend viewhelper to display a "create new record" link:
<f:comment>Would only output the uri: <be:uri.newRecord pid="1" table="tx_examples_haiku" returnUrl="foo/bar" /></f:comment>
<a href="{be:uri.newRecord(pid:1, table:'tx_examples_haiku', returnUrl:'foo/bar')}">
<core:icon identifier="actions-document-new"/>
<f:translate key="function_links_new_haiku"/>
If you create the backend link via php it is possible to add more options like default values for certain fields.
$uriParameters =
'edit' =>
'tx_examples_haiku' =>
1 => 'new'
'defVals' =>
'tx_examples_haiku' =>
'title' => 'New Haiku?',
'season' => 'Spring'
'columnsOnly' => 'title,season,color'
$createHaikuLink = $backendUriBuilder->buildUriFromRoute('record_edit', $uriParameters);
The link triggers the creation a new record for the table "tx_examples_haiku" on page 1. It also sets a default value for the "title" field ("New haiku") and selects the season "Spring". It only displays the fields defined by "columnsOnly".
Note the following things:
- the first parameter is still called "edit" even if this is about creating a new record. The creation of a record is indicated by the value "new".
- the key of the entry with value "new" indicates the pid on which the record is to be created.
- the values get automatically url-encoded so you can use any special char in the defaults
This results in the following new record form with a pre-filled title and season field.

Form for creating a new haiku with pre-filled title and season and restricted columns