Context-sensitive menus

Contextual menus exist in many places in the TYPO3 backend. Just try your luck clicking on any icon that you see. Chances are good that a contextual menu will appear, offering useful functions to execute.

The context menu now contains an additional item "Hello World"

The context menu shown after clicking on the Content Element icon

Context menu rendering flow


The context menu is shown after click on the HTML element which has class="t3js-contextmenutrigger" together with data-table, data-uid and optional data-context attributes.

The JavaScript click event handler is implemented in the TYPO3/CMS/Backend/ContextMenu requireJS module. It takes the data attributes mentioned above and executes an ajax call to the \TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Controller\ContextMenuController->getContextMenuAction().


ContextMenuController asks \TYPO3\CMS\Backend\ContextMenu\ContextMenu to generate an array of items. ContextMenu builds a list of available item providers by asking each whether it can provide items ($provider->canHandle()), and what priority it has ($provider->getPriority()).

Item providers registration

Custom item providers can be registered in global array:

$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['BE']['ContextMenu']['ItemProviders'][1486418735] = \TYPO3\CMS\Impexp\ContextMenu\ItemProvider::class;

They must implement \TYPO3\CMS\Backend\ContextMenu\ItemProviders\ProviderInterface and can extend \TYPO3\CMS\Backend\ContextMenu\ItemProviders\AbstractProvider .

There are two item providers which are always available (without registration):

Gathering items

A list of providers is sorted by priority, and then each provider is asked to add items. The generated array of items is passed from an item provider with higher priority to a provider with lower priority.

After that, a compiled list of items is returned to the ContextMenuController which passes it back to the ContextMenu.js as JSON.

API usage in the Core

Several TYPO3 Core modules are already using this API for adding or modifying items. See following places for a reference:

  • EXT:beuser module adds an item with a link to the Access (page permissions) module for pages context menu. See item provider \TYPO3\CMS\Beuser\ContextMenu\ItemProvider and requireJS module TYPO3/CMS/Beuser/ContextMenuActions
  • EXT:impexp module adds import and export options for pages, content elements and other records. See item provider \TYPO3\CMS\Impexp\ContextMenu\ItemProvider and requireJS module TYPO3/CMS/Impexp/ContextMenuActions
  • EXT:filelist module provides several item providers for files, folders, filemounts, filestorage, and drag-drop context menu for the folder tree. See following item providers: \TYPO3\CMS\Filelist\ContextMenu\ItemProviders\FileDragProvider, \TYPO3\CMS\Filelist\ContextMenu\ItemProviders\FileProvider , \TYPO3\CMS\Filelist\ContextMenu\ItemProviders\FileStorageProvider, \TYPO3\CMS\Filelist\ContextMenu\ItemProviders\FilemountsProvider and requireJS module TYPO3/CMS/Filelist/ContextMenuActions

Adding context menu to elements in your backend module

Enabling context menu in your own backend modules is quite straightforward. The examples below are taken from the "beuser" system extension and assume that the module is Extbase-based.

The first step is to include the needed JavaScript using the includeRequireJsModules property of the standard backend container Fluid view helper (or backend page renderer view helper).

Doing so in your layout is sufficient (see typo3/sysext/beuser/Resources/Private/Layouts/Default.html).

<f:be.container includeRequireJsModules="{0:'TYPO3/CMS/Backend/ContextMenu'}">
   // ...

The second step is to activate the context menu on the icons. This kind of markup is required (taken from typo3/sysext/beuser/Resources/Private/Templates/BackendUser/Index.html):

   <a href="#" class="t3js-contextmenutrigger" data-table="be_users"
         data-uid="{compareUser.uid}" title="id={compareUser.uid}">
      <be:avatar backendUser="{compareUser.uid}" showIcon="TRUE" />

the relevant line being highlighted. The class t3js-contextmenutrigger triggers a context menu functionality for the current element. The data-table attribute contains a table name of the record and data-uid the uid of the record.

One additional data attribute can be used data-context with values being for example tree for context menu triggered from the page tree. Context is used to hide menu items independently for page tree independently from other places (disabled items can be configured in TSconfig).

Disabling Context Menu Items from TSConfig

Context menu items can be disabled in TSConfig by adding item name to the options.contextMenu option corresponding to the table and context you want to cover.

For example, disabling edit and new items for table pages use:

options.contextMenu.table.pages.disableItems = edit,new

If you want to disable the items just for certain context (for example tree) add the .tree key after table name like that:

options.contextMenu.table.pages.tree.disableItems = edit,new

If configuration for certain context is available, the default configuration is not taken into account.

For more details see TSConfig reference.

Tutorial: How to add a custom context menu item

Follow these steps to add a custom menu item for pages records. You will add a "Hello world" item which will show an info after clicking.

The context menu now contains an additional item "Hello World"

Context menu with custom item

Step 1: Item Provider Registration

First you need to add an item provider registration to the ext_localconf.php of your extension.

defined('TYPO3') or die();

 // You should use current timestamp (not this very value) or leave it empty
 $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['BE']['ContextMenu']['ItemProviders'][1488274371] =

Step 2: Implementation of the item provider class

Second step is to implement your own item provider class. Provider must implement \TYPO3\CMS\Backend\ContextMenu\ItemProviders\ProviderInterface and can extend \TYPO3\CMS\Backend\ContextMenu\ItemProviders\AbstractProvider or any other provider from EXT:backend.

See comments in the following code snippet clarifying implementation details.

This file can be found in EXT:examples/Classes/ContextMenu/HelloWorldItemProvider.php

Extension examples, file Classes/ContextMenu/HelloWorldItemProvider.php
namespace T3docs\Examples\ContextMenu;

 * This file is part of the TYPO3 CMS project.
 * It is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
 * the terms of the GNU General Public License, either version 2
 * of the License, or any later version.
 * For the full copyright and license information, please read the
 * LICENSE.txt file that was distributed with this source code.
 * The TYPO3 project - inspiring people to share!

use TYPO3\CMS\Backend\ContextMenu\ItemProviders\AbstractProvider;

 * Item provider adding Hello World item
class HelloWorldItemProvider extends AbstractProvider
     * This array contains configuration for items you want to add
     * @var array
    protected $itemsConfiguration = [
        'hello' => [
            'type' => 'item',
            'label' => 'Hello World', // you can use "LLL:" syntax here
            'iconIdentifier' => 'actions-document-info',
            'callbackAction' => 'helloWorld' //name of the function in the JS file

     * Checks if this provider may be called to provide the list of context menu items for given table.
     * @return bool
    public function canHandle(): bool
        // Current table is: $this->table
        // Current UID is: $this->identifier
//        return $this->table === 'pages';
        return true;

     * Returns the provider priority which is used for determining the order in which providers are processing items
     * to the result array. Highest priority means provider is evaluated first.
     * This item provider should be called after PageProvider which has priority 100.
     * BEWARE: Returned priority should logically not clash with another provider.
     *         Please check @see \TYPO3\CMS\Backend\ContextMenu\ContextMenu::getAvailableProviders() if needed.
     * @return int
    public function getPriority(): int
        return 55;

     * Registers the additional JavaScript RequireJS callback-module which will allow to display a notification
     * whenever the user tries to click on the "Hello World" item.
     * The method is called from AbstractProvider::prepareItems() for each context menu item.
     * @param string $itemName
     * @return array
    protected function getAdditionalAttributes(string $itemName): array
        return [
            // BEWARE!!! RequireJS MODULES MUST ALWAYS START WITH "TYPO3/CMS/" (and no "Vendor" segment here)
            'data-callback-module' => 'TYPO3/CMS/Examples/ContextMenuActions',
            // Here you can also add any other useful "data-" attribute you'd like to use in your JavaScript (e.g. localized messages)

     * This method adds custom item to list of items generated by item providers with higher priority value (PageProvider)
     * You could also modify existing items here.
     * The new item is added after the 'info' item.
     * @param array $items
     * @return array
    public function addItems(array $items): array
        // renders an item based on the configuration from $this->itemsConfiguration
        $localItems = $this->prepareItems($this->itemsConfiguration);

        if (isset($items['info'])) {
            //finds a position of the item after which 'hello' item should be added
            $position = array_search('info', array_keys($items), true);

            //slices array into two parts
            $beginning = array_slice($items, 0, $position+1, true);
            $end = array_slice($items, $position, null, true);

            // adds custom item in the correct position
            $items = $beginning + $localItems + $end;
        } else {
            $items = $items + $localItems;
        //passes array of items to the next item provider
        return $items;

     * This method is called for each item this provider adds and checks if given item can be added
     * @param string $itemName
     * @param string $type
     * @return bool
    protected function canRender(string $itemName, string $type): bool
        // checking if item is disabled through TSConfig
        if (in_array($itemName, $this->disabledItems, true)) {
            return false;
        $canRender = false;
        switch ($itemName) {
            case 'hello':
                $canRender = $this->canSayHello();
        return $canRender;

     * Helper method implementing e.g. access check for certain item
     * @return bool
    protected function canSayHello(): bool
         //usually here you can find more sophisticated condition. See e.g. PageProvider::canBeEdited()
         return true;

Step 3: JavaScript actions

Third step is to provide a JavaScript file (RequireJS module) which will be called after clicking on the context menu item.

This file can be found in EXT:examples/Resources/Public/JavaScript/ContextMenuActions.js

Extension examples, file Resources/Public/JavaScript/ContextMenuActions.js
 * Module: TYPO3/CMS/Example/ContextMenuActions
 * JavaScript to handle the click action of the "Hello World" context menu item
 * @exports TYPO3/CMS/Example/ContextMenuActions
define(function () {
    'use strict';

     * @exports TYPO3/CMS/Example/ContextMenuActions
    var ContextMenuActions = {};

     * Say hello
     * @param {string} table
     * @param {int} uid of the page
    ContextMenuActions.helloWorld = function (table, uid) {
        if (table === 'pages') {
            //If needed, you can access other 'data' attributes here from $(this).data('someKey')
            //see item provider getAdditionalAttributes method to see how to pass custom data attributes

            top.TYPO3.Notification.error('Hello World', 'Hi there!', 5);

    return ContextMenuActions;