Kickstart an Extension
There are different options to kickstart an extension. Here are some tutorials for common options:
Create an extension from scratch
- Create a directory with the extension name
- Create the composer.json file
- Create the ext_emconf.php file for legacy installations and extensions to be uploaded to TER
"Make" can be used to quickly create an extension with a few basic commands on the console. "Make" can also be used to kickstart functionality like console command (CLI), backend controllers and event listeners. It does not offer to kickstart a sitepackage or an Extbase extension.
The Sitepackage Builder can be used to conveniently create an extension containing the sitepackage (theme) of a site. It can also be used to kickstart an arbitrary extension by removing unneeded files.
There used to be an extension called "kickstarter" it has however been discontinued since 2012.