TYPO3 v11 has reached end-of-life as of October 31th 2024 and is no longer being maintained. Use the version switcher on the top left of this page to select documentation for a supported version of TYPO3.
Need more time before upgrading? You can purchase Extended Long Term Support (ELTS) for TYPO3 v11 here: TYPO3 ELTS.
The TYPO3 APIs are first and foremost documented inside of the source scripts. It would be impossible to maintain documentation at more than one location given the fact that things change and sometimes fast. This chapter describes the most important elements of the API.
The source is the documentation! (General wisdom)
- Assets
- Authentication
- Autoloading
- Backend APIs
- Caching
- System categories
- Commands
- Content Elements & Plugins
- Context API and aspects
- Context Sensitive Help (CSH)
- Cropping images
- Database
- DataHandler
- Debugging
- Dependency injection
- Deprecation
- Directory structure
- Enumerations & bitsets
- Environment
- Error and exception handling
Events, signals and hooks
- Extending the TYPO3 Core
- Event dispatcher (PSR-14 events)
Event list
- AfterFormEnginePageInitializedEvent
- AfterHistoryRollbackFinishedEvent
- AfterPageColumnsSelectedForLocalizationEvent
- BeforeFormEnginePageInitializedEvent
- BeforeHistoryRollbackStartEvent
- ModifyClearCacheActionsEvent
- ModifyPageLayoutOnLoginProviderSelectionEvent
- SwitchUserEvent
- SystemInformationToolbarCollectorEvent
- Authentication
- Cache
- Configuration
- Core
- Database
- DataHandling
- Html
- Package
- Page
- AfterFileAddedEvent
- AfterFileAddedToIndexEvent
- AfterFileCommandProcessedEvent
- AfterFileContentsSetEvent
- AfterFileCopiedEvent
- AfterFileCreatedEvent
- AfterFileDeletedEvent
- AfterFileMarkedAsMissingEvent
- AfterFileMetaDataCreatedEvent
- AfterFileMetaDataDeletedEvent
- AfterFileMetaDataUpdatedEvent
- AfterFileMovedEvent
- AfterFileProcessingEvent
- AfterFileRemovedFromIndexEvent
- AfterFileRenamedEvent
- AfterFileReplacedEvent
- AfterFileUpdatedInIndexEvent
- AfterFolderAddedEvent
- AfterFolderCopiedEvent
- AfterFolderDeletedEvent
- AfterFolderMovedEvent
- AfterFolderRenamedEvent
- AfterResourceStorageInitializationEvent
- BeforeFileAddedEvent
- BeforeFileContentsSetEvent
- BeforeFileCopiedEvent
- BeforeFileCreatedEvent
- BeforeFileDeletedEvent
- BeforeFileMovedEvent
- BeforeFileProcessingEvent
- BeforeFileRenamedEvent
- BeforeFileReplacedEvent
- BeforeFolderAddedEvent
- BeforeFolderCopiedEvent
- BeforeFolderDeletedEvent
- BeforeFolderMovedEvent
- BeforeFolderRenamedEvent
- BeforeResourceStorageInitializationEvent
- EnrichFileMetaDataEvent
- GeneratePublicUrlForResourceEvent
- ModifyFileDumpEvent
- ModifyIconForResourcePropertiesEvent
- SanitizeFileNameEvent
- Tree
- Extbase
- ExtensionManager
- Filelist
- Frontend
- FrontendLogin
- Impexp
- Install
- Linkvalidator
- Recordlist
- Seo
- Setup
- Workspaces
- Signals and slots (deprecated)
- Hooks
- JavaScript Event API
- File abstraction
- Custom file processors
- Flash messages
- FlexForms
- Fluid
- FormEngine
- Form protection tool
- Global values
- Icon API
- JavaScript in TYPO3 Backend
- Link handling
- Localization
- Locking API
- Logging
- Mail API
- Mount points
- Namespaces
- Page types
- Pagination
- Parsing HTML
- Password hashing
- Requests
- Routing
- Services
- Sessions
- Site handling
- Soft references
- Symfony expression language
- System registry
- Versioning and Workspaces