Shim Library to Use it as Own RequireJS Modules

Not all javascript libraries are compatible with RequireJS. In the rarest cases, you can adjust the library code to be AMD or UMD compatible. So you need to configure RequireJS to accept the library.

In RequireJS you can use requirejs.config({}) to shim a library. In TYPO3 the RequireJS config will be defined in the PageRenderer:

use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility;
use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\PathUtility;
use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Page\PageRenderer;

$pageRenderer = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(PageRenderer::class);
      'paths' => [
         'jquery' => 'sysext/core/Resources/Public/JavaScript/Contrib/jquery/',
         'plupload' => PathUtility::getPublicResourceWebPath(
      'shim' => [
         'deps' => ['jquery'],
         'plupload' => ['exports' => 'plupload'],

In this example we configure RequireJS to use plupload. The only dependency is jquery. We already have jquery in the TYPO3 Core extension.

After the shim and export of plupload it is usable in the dependency handling:

], function($, plupload) {
   'use strict';