Implementing a custom LinkHandler

It is possible to implement a custom LinkHandler if links are to be created and handled that cannot be handled by any of the Core LinkHandlers.

The example below is part of the TYPO3 Documentation Team extension examples.

Implementing the LinkHandler

You can have a look at the existing LinkHandler in the system Extension recordlist, found at typo3/sysext/recordlist/Classes/LinkHandler.

However please note that all these extensions extend the AbstractLinkHandler, which is marked as @internal and subject to change without further notice.

You should therefore implement the interface LinkHandlerInterface in your own custom LinkHandlers:

namespace T3docs\Examples\LinkHandler;

# use ...
use TYPO3\CMS\Recordlist\LinkHandler\LinkHandlerInterface;

class GitHubLinkHandler implements LinkHandlerInterface
   protected $linkAttributes = ['target', 'title', 'class', 'params', 'rel'];
   protected $view;
   protected $configuration;

   * Initialize the handler
   * @param AbstractLinkBrowserController $linkBrowser
   * @param string $identifier
   * @param array $configuration Page TSconfig
   public function initialize(AbstractLinkBrowserController $linkBrowser, $identifier, array $configuration)
      $this->linkBrowser = $linkBrowser;
      $this->iconFactory = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(IconFactory::class);
      $this->view = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(StandaloneView::class);
      $this->configuration = $configuration;

   * Checks if this is the handler for the given link
   * Also stores information locally about currently linked issue
   * @param array $linkParts Link parts as returned from TypoLinkCodecService
   * @return bool
   public function canHandleLink(array $linkParts)
      if (isset($linkParts['url']['github'])) {
         $this->linkParts = $linkParts;
         return true;
      return false;

   * Format the current link for HTML output
   * @return string
   public function formatCurrentUrl(): string
      return $this->linkParts['url']['github'];

   * Render the link handler
   * @param ServerRequestInterface $request
   * @return string
   public function render(ServerRequestInterface $request): string

      $this->view->assign('project', $this->configuration['project']);
      $this->view->assign('action', $this->configuration['action']);
      $this->view->assign('github', !empty($this->linkParts) ? $this->linkParts['url']['github'] : '');
      return $this->view->render('GitHub');

   * @return string[] Array of body-tag attributes
   public function getBodyTagAttributes(): array
      return [];

   * @return array
   public function getLinkAttributes()
      return $this->linkAttributes;

   * @param string[] $fieldDefinitions Array of link attribute field definitions
   * @return string[]
   public function modifyLinkAttributes(array $fieldDefinitions)
      return $fieldDefinitions;

   * We don't support updates since there is no difference to simply set the link again.
   * @return bool
   public function isUpdateSupported()
      return FALSE;

The LinkHandler then has to be registered via page TSCONFIG:

TCEMAIN.linkHandler {
   github {
      handler = T3docs\\Examples\\LinkHandler\\GitHubLinkHandler
      label = LLL:EXT:examples/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_browse_links.xlf:github
      displayAfter = url
      scanBefore = url
      configuration {
          project = TYPO3-Documentation/TYPO3CMS-Reference-CoreApi
          action = issues

And the JavaScript, depending on RequireJS in the TYPO3 Backend, has to be added in a file examples/Resources/Public/JavaScript/GitHubLinkHandler.js:

 * Module: TYPO3/CMS/Examples/GitHubLinkHandler
 * Github issue link interaction
define(['jquery', 'TYPO3/CMS/Recordlist/LinkBrowser'], function($, LinkBrowser) {
   'use strict';

    * @type {{}}
    * @exports T3docs/Examples/GitHubLinkHandler
   var GitHubLinkHandler = {};

   $(function() {
      $('#lgithubform').on('submit', function(event) {

         var value = $(this).find('[name="lgithub"]').val();
         if (value === 'github:') {
         if (value.indexOf('github:') === 0) {
            value = value.substr(7);
         LinkBrowser.finalizeFunction('github:' + value);

   return GitHubLinkHandler;

This would create a link looking like this:

<a href="github:123">Example Link</a>

Which could, for example, be interpreted by a custom protocol handler on a company computer's operating system.