
The route backend request attribute provides routing information in the object \TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Routing\Route.


$route = $request->getAttribute('route');
$moduleConfiguration = $route->getOption('moduleConfiguration');


class Route
Fully qualified name

This is a single entity for a Route.

The architecture is highly inspired by the Symfony Routing Component.

getPath ( )

Returns the path

setPath ( string $pattern)

Sets the pattern for the path A pattern must start with a slash and must not have multiple slashes at the beginning because the generated path for this route would be confused with a network path, e.g. '//'.

This method implements a fluent interface.

param string $pattern

The path pattern

getMethods ( )

Returns the uppercased HTTP methods this route is restricted to.

An empty array means that any method is allowed.




The methods

setMethods ( array $methods)

Sets the HTTP methods (e.g. ['POST']) this route is restricted to.

An empty array means that any method is allowed.

This method implements a fluent interface.

param array $methods

The array of allowed methods



getOptions ( )

Returns the options set

setOptions ( array $options)

Sets the options

This method implements a fluent interface.

param array $options

The options

setOption ( string $name, mixed $value)

Sets an option value

This method implements a fluent interface.

param string $name

An option name

param mixed $value

The option value

getOption ( string $name)

Get an option value

param string $name

An option name

hasOption ( string $name)

Checks if an option has been set

param string $name

An option name