
TypoScript supports single line comments as well as multiline comment blocks.

// and # indicate a comment. Everything until the end of the line will be ignored by the parser. /* indicates a multiline comment start, */ stops it.

When using //, # and /* after an assignment =, this is not considered a comment, but part of the value! Same is true for multiline assignments.

Some examples:

Extension examples, file Configuration/TypoScript/Syntax/Comments/setup.typoscript
# This is a comment
// This is a comment
/* This is a
   multiline comment */

foo < bar // This is a comment
foo < bar /* This is a valid comment, too */

foo > # Another valid comment

foo := addToList(1) # Yes, a comment

[foo = bar] # Many comment. Much wow.

foo (
  # This is NOT a comment but part of the value assignment!
  bar = barValue
) # This is a comment

foo = bar // This is NOT a comment but part of the value assignment!