
Site Sets

New in version TYPO3 v13.1 / news v12.0

The extension ships some TypoScript code which can be included in the site configuration via Site sets:

  1. Got to backend module Site Management > Sites.
  2. Edit the configuration of your site.
  3. On the first tab go to Sets for this Site.
  4. If you want to news with the plain template choose site set News.
  5. If you need bootstrap styles choose the site set News Twb5 instead.
  6. If typo3/cms-seo is installed and you want to feature a sitemap containing all news, choose News Sitemap.

TypoScript Records

The extension ships some TypoScript code which needs to be included.

  1. Switch to the root page of your site.
  2. Switch to Template > Info/Modify.
  3. Press the link Edit the whole template record and switch to the tab Includes.
  4. Select News (news) at the field Include static (from extensions):

  5. Include the static template of EXT:fluid_styled_content or provide the following TypoScript yourself: {
       enabled = 0
       class = lightbox
       width = 800m
       height = 600m
  6. Optional: If your templates are based on Twitter Bootstrap, add the TWB styles as well to get optimized templates.