Best practice
Optimize EXT:news for display in search engines.
View Button
Display a View button on top of news records in the backend.
TSconfig code snippets
Code snippets to influence the behaviour of news record editing in the backend and the news administration module.
Use routing to generate user readable urls to news, categories, tags, paginized results etc
Breadcrumb menu
Display the current news title in the breadcrumb
Provide a RSS feed promoting your news
ICalendar feed
Provide an iCalendar feed
Enable your editors to link to specific news from anywhere.
Limit content elements
Configure available content element types in news records.
Integrations with TypoScript
Configure available content element types in news records.
Cache clearing
Automatic cache clearing
Predefine values
Learn how to set default values, influence the choices of select fields etc.
Hide detail page
Avoid the detail page in the url and reuse the list page.
Infinite scroll
Ajax based pagination, also known as infinite and endless scrolling