Quick configuration
Include TypoScript template
It is necessary to include at least the basic TypoScript provided by this extension.
Go module Web > Template and chose your root page. It should already contain a TypoScript template record. Switch to view Info/Modify and click on Edit the whole template record.
Switch to tab Includes and add the following templates from the list to the right: News (news). It is possible to include additional templates provided by the news extension depending on your use case. For example you can additionally chose News Styles Twitter Bootstrap V5 (news) to use templates for the css framework Bootstrap in version 5.
Read more about possible configurations via TypoScript in the Reference section.
Further reading
- Global extension configuration
- TypoScript, mainly configuration for the frontend
- TsConfig, configuration for the backend
- Routing for human readable URLs
- Templating customize the templates