12.1.0 - 15th November 2024

This is the first release of the extension that supports TYPO3 12 and 13. This also means that the active support for TYPO3 11 has been stopped.

Breaking changes

No breaking changes known


Improved suggest wizards in FlexForms

The suggest wizards in FlexForms now skip pages that are not reachable. The selection of a page for the detail view ignores doktypes like sysfolder.

This makes the life of editors easier - especially on bigger instances.

Tagged Data Processors

The usage of the data processors has been simplified by using their tags.

# old
10 = GeorgRinger\News\DataProcessing\AddNewsToMenuProcessor
20 = GeorgRinger\News\DataProcessing\DisableLanguageMenuProcessor
10 = add-news-to-menu
20 = disable-language-menu

Site Set Support

The extension now supports site sets as drop in replacements for TypoScript includes.

TYPO3 13 only

Flag topnews records in backend list

If a record is marked as topnews, it is now highlighted in the backend list with a small blue border on the left side.

TYPO3 13 only

Add StatusInformation to pages with news

If a page contains a news plugin, a small icon is shown in the page tree to indicate this.

This feature is TYPO3 13 only and can be disabled in the global extension settings.

All Changes

This is a list of all changes in this release:

2024-11-13 [DOC] Release 11.4.3 (Commit da43144c by Georg Ringer)
2024-11-13 [BUGFIX] Fix functional tests (Commit 356c23fa by lina.wolf)
2024-11-13 [BUGFIX] Use language aspect in lieu of removed Typo3QuerySettings::setLanguageOverlayMode() (Commit 175e3e74 by lina.wolf)
2024-11-08 [DOC] ProxyClassGenerator - exclude class from dependency injection (Commit bf2658fc by Stig Nørgaard Færch)
2024-11-06 [FEATURE] Tag and alias for data processors (Commit 4be32601 by Eric Harrer)
2024-11-05 [FEATURE] Provide additional information to result of Live Search (Commit c34ea309 by Georg Ringer)
2024-11-05 [FEATURE] Make the page tree enhancement configurable (Commit eb739a69 by Georg Ringer)
2024-11-05 [TASK] Change highlight color of topnews in BE list (Commit 448ef5c8 by Georg Ringer)
2024-11-05 [BUGFIX] Fix potential notice #1776 (Commit d98a671d by Georg Ringer)
2024-11-05 [BUGFIX] Fix disableOverrideDemand checks for search actions (Commit ef840d3d by Georg Ringer)
2024-11-05 [DOC] Fix spaces in example (Commit 0099ca3e by Georg Ringer)
2024-11-05 [TASK] Make endtime setter handle null values (Commit b6da7a8b by Georg Ringer)
2024-11-05 [BUGFIX] Fix wrong values on flexform (Commit 317423d9 by Georg Ringer)
2024-11-05 [BUGFIX] Fix wrong values on flexform (Commit e4b7f4c5 by Georg Ringer)
2024-11-03 [BUGFIX] Change TCA behaviour for content_element relation (Commit 640dd340 by Georg Ringer)
2024-11-03 [TASK] Provide label for itemgroup (Commit a026acc1 by Georg Ringer)
2024-10-31 [FEATURE] Skip not reachable pages in suggest of fields in flexforms (Commit 38f9bde4 by Georg Ringer)
2024-11-03 [BUGFIX] Fix paths in sets #2549 (Commit e51faf3c by Georg Ringer)
2024-11-01 [TASK] Enable tests for v13 (Commit 4c8ce938 by Georg Ringer)
2024-11-01 [BUGFIX] Fix query for sqlite (Commit 783a59a1 by Georg Ringer)
2024-11-01 [TASK] Consistent behaviour of getDayOfDatetime (Commit 4497a3a9 by Georg Ringer)
2024-10-31 [BUGFIX] use addquerystring untrusted (Commit 4b3ca1f1 by Georg Ringer)
2024-10-31 [BUGFIX] Change search templates of TWB to get (Commit c1d85351 by Georg Ringer)
2024-10-31 [TASK] Fix cgl (Commit 95b22e7b by Georg Ringer)
2024-10-31 [BUGFIX] Handle deprecated cache tag management (Commit 516a0731 by Georg Ringer)
2024-06-07 Add hint on side effects when omitting limitToPages (Commit 0f322997 by Stefan)
2024-10-30 [TASK] Update csfixer rules (Commit 3b117bb9 by Georg Ringer)
2024-10-30 [TASK] Remove readonly from class (Commit 84612d26 by Georg Ringer)
2024-10-30 [FEATURE] Flag topnews records in backend list (Commit 30c4d6bf by Georg Ringer)
2024-10-30 [FEATURE] Add StatusInformation to pages with news (Commit 804c939b by Georg Ringer)
2024-10-30 [BUGFIX] Migrate cobj->getTreeList() in sitemap generation #2542 (Commit 2a8f7a5f by Georg Ringer)
2024-10-24 [TASK] Add relationship `manyToOne` for group fields with maxitems 1 (#2540) (Commit bb43d614 by Nikita Hovratov)
2024-10-21 [TASK] Check datefield field not only for not null (Commit 479287fa by Georg Ringer)
2024-10-21 [FEATURE] Add site sets as drop in replacements for TypoScript includes (#2536) (Commit b4075dba by Lina Wolf)
2024-10-21 [BUGFIX] Make the backend admin work #2534 (#2535) (Commit 031cb899 by Georg Ringer)

This list has been created by using git log $(git describe --tags --abbrev=0)..HEAD --abbrev-commit --pretty='%ad %s (Commit %h by %an)' --date=short.