6.3.0 - 2018/02/01
Important changes
Fix regressions
Fix a small bug in the Meta
which has been added in last release.
Restrict template layouts to a colPos
It is now possible to restrict template layouts to certain colPos values.
tx_news.templateLayouts {
1 = Fobar
2 = Another one
2.allowedColPos = 1,2,3
3 = --div--,Group 2
4 = Blub
4.allowedColPos = 0,1
This feature has been sponsored by h_da - Hochschule Darmstadt, https://www.h-da.de/, thanks a lot!
All Changes
This is a list of all changes in this release:
2018-01-29 [FEATURE] Restrict template layouts to colpos values (Commit 0b14c23d by Georg Ringer)
2018-01-29 [BUGFIX] Fix regression in sorting of sys_language records (Commit 2228d42e by Georg Ringer)
2018-01-29 [DOC] Fix wrong constants in rss docs (Commit 79f1a293 by Georg Ringer)
2018-01-29 [BUGFIX] Remove unwanted attributes in metatags (Commit 8fe15ad2 by Georg Ringer)
2018-01-29 [BUGFIX] Use tstamp for last modification in sitemap (Commit e2cd8dfd by Georg Ringer)
2018-01-24 [DOC] Use correct version (Commit 24a5272c by Georg Ringer)
This list has been created by using git log 6.