3.1.0 - 2015/02/12
This is a major release supporting now also TYPO3 CMS 7, next to 6.2 LTS.
Read and follow the section Upgrade procedure carefully!
Upgrade procedure
The following changes might break your installation but all are easy to solve.
itemsPerPage configuration (Commit a0baa1a)
You need to take action if you see the exception "The itemsPerPage is 0 which is not allowed. Please also add "list.paginate.itemsPerPage" to the TS setting settings.overrideFlexformSettingsIfEmpty".
The itemsPerPage can now be set in the FlexForms. Therefore it is needed to add "list.paginate.itemsPerPage" to the configuration settings.overrideFlexformSettingsIfEmpty.
Tx_News_Domain_Model_News::getNonFalMediaPreviews() (Commit ae22148)
If you are using e.g. {newsItem.nonFalMediaPreviews}, you need to rename that to {newsItem.falMediaNonPreviews}.
Changed import_id identifier (Commit e71834b)
The identifier for import_id changed for multilanguage records. The suffix "|L<sys_language_uid>" has been removed.
Important changes
A lot of code changed in this version. The most important changes are:
- Improved FAL migration
- Improved import service
- SignalSlots in ImportService and the actions
- Added a composer.json
All Changes
2015-02-11 [TASK] Add autoload definition in composer.json (Commit 991de43 by Helmut Hummel)
2015-02-10 [TASK] Changelog for 3.1.0 (Commit b88d81a by Georg Ringer)
2015-02-10 [FEATURE] Add composer.json (Commit 33241ca by Georg Ringer)
2015-02-10 [TASK] Add simple ext:linkhandler sample configuration (Commit fc553ad by Josef Florian Glatz)
2015-02-10 [TASK] Change allowed TYPO3 version (Commit 58bb06e by Georg Ringer)
2015-02-10 [BUGFIX] Improve escaping in VH (Commit e4ce1cb by Georg Ringer)
2015-02-10 [FEATURE] Add composer.json (Commit 33241ca by Georg Ringer)
2015-02-10 [TASK] Add simple ext:linkhandler sample configuration (Commit fc553ad by Josef Florian Glatz)
2015-02-10 [TASK] Change allowed TYPO3 version (Commit 58bb06e by Georg Ringer)
2015-02-10 [BUGFIX] Ignore unwanted settings of flexforms (Commit 63fcf77 by Georg Ringer)
2015-02-10 [BUGFIX] Followup for getDemandClass (Commit 413a44b by Georg Ringer)
2015-02-10 [BUGFIX] Prevent spreading columns in page module (Commit 6f68088 by Josef Florian Glatz)
2015-02-09 [DOC] Add known "fact" about redirectToPage (Commit c1eb2e0 by Josef Florian Glatz)
2015-02-09 [TASK] Remove not neded call (Commit 70351dc by Georg Ringer)
2015-01-15 [BUGFIX] Change VH Paginate for correct rel="prev" link on second page (Commit c699c84 by Josef Florian Glatz)
2015-02-09 [FEATURE] Hook for CmsLayout (Commit 7bec586 by Georg Ringer)
2015-02-09 [TASK] Follwoup (Commit 8bf4139 by Georg Ringer)
2015-02-09 [FEATURE] Extend demand class (Commit 29fa1cd by Georg Ringer)
2015-02-08 [TASK] Add keys to constraint array (Commit 9b2e715 by Georg Ringer)
2015-02-06 [DOC] Hint for in RSS feed (Commit 578a0f8 by Georg Ringer)
2015-02-06 [BUGFIX] Set no chash if using versioning preview (Commit e238f18 by Georg Ringer)
2015-02-06 [DOC] Add known problem DBAL (Commit db6d95a by Georg Ringer)
2015-02-06 [TASK] Use f:format.bytes instead of n:format.fileSize (Commit 6efb522 by Georg Ringer)
2015-02-06 [TASK] Improve image selection in category (Commit 3ceb56f by Georg Ringer)
2015-01-15 [FEATURE] Add default image argument to Gravatar ViewHelper (Commit a2cc813 by Josef Florian Glatz)
2015-02-06 [!!!][TASK] Change getNonFalMediaPreviews() to getFalMediaNonPreviews() (Commit ae22148 by Georg Ringer)
2015-02-05 [TASK] Improve createDemandObjectFromSettings (Commit c81373a by Georg Ringer)
2015-01-16 [TASK] Fix typo in update script (Commit feeb2fb by Josef Florian Glatz)
2015-02-04 [TASK] Add 'Translate to' msg to title (Commit f277eeb by Georg Ringer)
2015-02-04 [BUGFIX] Fix memory_leak in admin module (Commit 807c715 by Georg Ringer)
2015-02-03 [BUGFIX] Check type if importing multimedia (Commit 0f5ec29 by Georg Ringer)
2015-01-28 [!!!] Fix import for records without parent (Commit e71834b by Georg Ringer)
2015-01-26 [BUGFIX] clear template path before fallback is set (Commit 02a77fe by bschauer)
2015-01-23 [BUGFIX] Fix typo in readme (Commit 8c81988 by Georg Ringer)
2015-01-15 [DOC] Use correct bootstrap class (Commit e15f567 by Georg Ringer)
2015-01-13 [TASK] Skip test (Commit 05481ea by Georg Ringer)
2015-01-13 [TASK] Remove superflous test (Commit fd54cbd by Georg Ringer)
2015-01-13 [TASK] Remove superflous test (Commit c1bb850 by Georg Ringer)
2015-01-12 [TASK] Remove skipped tests (Commit 8e68009 by Georg Ringer)
2015-01-09 [BUGFIX] Fix error in getDetailPidFromCategories() (Commit 3847582 by Georg Ringer)
2014-12-30 [TASK] Use l10nmode copy for datetime (Commit dbe7d32 by Georg Ringer)
2014-12-30 [BUGFIX] Fix wrong doc example (Commit ffc59b4 by Georg Ringer)
2014-12-21 [BUGFIX] Check if category images exist before import (Commit e8ce78a by Georg Ringer)
2014-12-17 [BUGFIX] Check for sys_category in BE module (Commit 781e34f by Georg Ringer)
2014-12-15 [TASK] Improve module description (Commit 01fae08 by Georg Ringer)
2014-12-12 [BUGFIX] Replace tslib_cObj with namespaced version (Commit e668ead by Georg Ringer)
2014-12-12 [BUGFIX] Consider demands in AdministrationController's pagination (Commit fb476eb by Georg Ringer)
2014-12-12 [BUGFIX] Add paginate templatePath to overrideFlexformSettingsIfEmpty (Commit 9a62084 by Georg Ringer)
2014-12-11 [BUGFIX] Check hidden state in migration (Commit 01527cf by Georg Ringer)
2014-12-10 [BUGFIX] Missing initialization of images in category class (Commit ac5d5d7 by Lars Malach)
2014-12-07 [TASK] Improve NewsPidListing for CMS7 (Commit cba5110 by Georg Ringer)
2014-12-07 [BUGFIX] Fix BE tree (Commit 077d5bd by Georg Ringer)
2014-12-07 [TAKS] Adopt BE template for CMS 7 (Commit 48aed5a by Georg Ringer)
2014-12-01 [TASK] Version 7 compatible templates (Commit 00559ee by Georg Ringer)
2014-12-01 [TASK] Module Icon for CMS 7 (Commit 008cf9d by Georg Ringer)
2014-11-28 [BUGFIX] Bring back tt_content layout field (Commit 3e2efc4 by Georg Ringer)
2014-11-27 [BUGFIX] Exception when trying to display a deleted news (Commit 6b37ea8 by pbergsmann)
2014-11-28 [BUGFIX] Use namespaced class for ContentObjectRenderer (Commit bc61e93 by Georg Ringer)
2014-11-28 [BUGFIX] Fix wrong parameters in CmsLayout (Commit 5c85fce by Georg Ringer)
2014-11-22 [CLEANUP] Removes unused TypoScriptFrontendController (Commit accea28 by Josef Florian Glatz)
2014-11-22 [DOC] Improve TCEMAIN.clearCacheCmd example (Commit 3d5e2aa by Josef Florian Glatz)
2014-11-26 [TASK] Make checkPidOfNewsRecord configurable (Commit 336fef4 by Georg Ringer)
2014-11-04 [TASK] Add translation synchronization links for FAL relations (Commit 2e2cb38 by Lorenz Ulrich)
2014-11-06 [BUGFIX] Skip empty files in migration (Commit 617a27e by Georg Ringer)
2014-10-26 [DOC] Improve realUrl configuration example (Commit 5ff727c by Markus Klein)
2014-10-25 [BUGFIX] Use correct Class for DocumentTemplate (Commit e492465 by Georg Ringer)
2014-10-17 [BUGFIX] Category Update-Wizard fails if description is null (Commit 341dae3 by pbergsmann)
2014-10-15 [BUGFIX] Add missing getter and setter for sys_language_uid and l10n_parent for model link (Commit 47c2352 by Ralf Merz)
2014-10-16 [BUGFIX] Add db field t3ver_move_id (Commit 47a165b by Georg Ringer)
2014-10-12 [BUGFIX] Use correct TCA for l10n_parent of tx_news_domain_model_file (Commit a81bc69 by Georg Ringer)
2014-10-12 [BUGFIX] Improve FalUpdateWizard (Commit 819f0d6 by Georg Ringer)
2014-10-12 [TASK] Copy datetime if translating a news record (Commit 6426933 by Georg Ringer)
2014-10-08 [BUGFIX] Remove hardcoded http:// from Youtube MediaRenderer (Commit 63e4ee0 by Frans Saris)
2014-10-12 [TASK] Add default arguments to getChildrenCategoriesRecursive() (Commit 00ffa3f by Georg Ringer)
2014-06-25 [BUGFIX] Support lang -1 in news importer (Commit d1d1090 by Frans Saris)
2014-09-16 [BUGFIX] Detail.html misses file attribute for f:fileSize (Commit 6f863cc by Markus Klein)
2014-09-22 [FEATURE] Add SignalSlot for ImportService (Commit fc90edd by Georg Ringer)
2014-09-08 [BUGFIX] Wrong use of FAL mediaElement properties (Commit 8aa50ae by Frans Saris)
2014-09-08 [BUGFIX] Wrong viewHelper is used for rendering videos (Commit 2f32326 by Frans Saris)
2014-09-08 [TASK] Cleanup ll file (Commit 91a0569 by Georg Ringer)
2014-08-19 [BUGFIX] Add switch for category restriction check (Commit 5b9a0e9 by Frans Saris)
2014-08-19 [BUGFIX] No category mounts set means access to all (Commit 0dc0c92 by Frans Saris)
2014-07-31 [BUGFIX] Add opposite fields (Commit cb8bd0d by Georg Ringer)
2014-07-30 [BUGFIX] Fix some typos (Commit e05342d by Georg Ringer)
2014-07-30 [BUGFIX] Improve FAL Migration (Commit 624be39 by Georg Ringer)
2014-07-29 [BUGFIX] Rephrase offset label (Commit d9c21d2 by Georg Ringer)
2014-07-29 [TASK] Improve category listing in admin module (Commit 2308d88 by Georg Ringer)
2014-06-25 [TASK] Improve caching + clearing (Commit 64b4668 by Georg Ringer)
2014-06-25 [FEATURE] Deny editing if user doesn't have permission for all categories (Commit 702438e by Lorenz Ulrich)
2014-07-29 [BUGFIX] Fix possible sql injections in category migration (Commit 0ea362b by Georg Ringer)
2014-07-25 [TASK] Check for configuration errors in Import (Commit 8cd7099 by Georg Ringer)
2014-07-22 [BUGFIX] Correct typo (Commit add0dec by Georg Ringer)
2014-07-17 [FEATURE] Migrationwizard for files to FAL (Commit 44c087b by Georg Ringer)
2014-07-22 [TASK] Bring back clickmenu in Administration module (Commit ef059b0 by Georg Ringer)
2014-07-22 [FEATURE] Additional parameter content for LinkVH (Commit 378846c by Georg Ringer)
2014-07-17 [TASK] Remove unused file (Commit 078eaec by Georg Ringer)
2014-07-08 [BUGFIX] Fix failing cache test (Commit f1e20c6 by Georg Ringer)
2014-07-08 [TASK] Fix travis runs (Commit 96a20bf by Georg Ringer)
2014-06-23 [TASK] Add Disqus to Detail Template (Commit 0144922 by Jan Kiesewetter)
2014-07-03 [TASK] Adopt the doc headers (Commit d62e793 by Georg Ringer)
2014-07-03 [DOC] Known issue about images on root (Commit 814ae4d by Georg Ringer)
2014-07-03 [FEATURE] Use rich snippet for author (Commit 8c287c5 by Georg Ringer)
2014-07-03 [FEATURE] Use time element in templates (Commit 7230d8a by Georg Ringer)
2014-06-25 [TASK] Followup (Commit 42c261d by Georg Ringer)
2014-06-25 [TASK] Remove duplicated test (Commit 11132f7 by Georg Ringer)
2014-06-24 [TASK] Add functional tests to travis (Commit 4189b9d by Georg Ringer)
2014-06-24 [BUGFIX] Use correct type in DemandObject (Commit eef7672 by Georg Ringer)
2014-06-20 Revert "[TASK] Make field bodytext an exclude field" (Commit 9dc4176 by Georg Ringer)
2014-06-20 [TASK] Update travis (Commit dcff065 by Georg Ringer)
2014-06-20 [TASK] Fix unit tests (Commit 63730eb by Georg Ringer)
2014-06-20 [BUGFIX] Fix failing tests (Commit c2e7d23 by Georg Ringer)
2014-06-20 [BUGFIX] Fix call in filesize VH (Commit 28772bd by Georg Ringer)
2014-06-18 [TASK] Use inline notation for f:format.html and f:format.crop (Commit 9f37741 by Jan Kiesewetter)
2014-06-19 [TASK] Add typolink forceAbsoluteUrl to DisqusViewHelper example (Commit 6433912 by Jan Kiesewetter)
2014-06-18 [TASK] Logger for imports of news/category (Commit 62d780f by Georg Ringer)
2014-06-17 [BUGFIX] Localized categories must point to parents after import (Commit 85e2d7f by Lorenz Ulrich)
2014-06-17 [TASK] Make field bodytext an exclude field (Commit 574b535 by Lorenz Ulrich)
2014-06-17 [TASK] Add logger (Commit fda1753 by Georg Ringer)
2014-06-17 [BUGFIX] Avoid division through 0 in importer (Commit 5d67409 by Georg Ringer)
2014-06-16 [BUGFIX] Date Menu doesn't respect enableFields (Commit a819229 by Lorenz Ulrich)
2014-06-17 [TASK] Translate import module (Commit c9b9488 by Georg Ringer)
2014-06-17 [TASK] Improve wording of 'internal page' (Commit 3f84265 by Georg Ringer)
2014-06-16 [BUGFIX] Check earlier for existing while importing (Commit 8827ff8 by Frans Saris)
2014-06-16 [BUGFIX] Add missing where clause in simplePrevNextVH (Commit 5abfc91 by Georg Ringer)
2014-06-11 [TASK] Unify padding for page-navigation-links (Commit b3238ed by Stefan Neufeind)
2014-06-12 [BUGFIX] List-view should offer "manual sorting" if activated (Commit 6b91042 by Stefan Neufeind)
2014-06-11 [TASK] Allow link parameter from outside (Commit 16b2ab6 by Georg Ringer)
2014-06-10 [TASK] Update version to 3.1.0-dev for master (Commit cf8c458 by Frans Saris)
2014-06-05 [TASK] Correct property type in newsdemand (Commit 8b7a265 by Georg Ringer)
2014-06-05 [BUGFIX] Rename signals (Commit 4480477 by Georg Ringer)
2014-06-05 [DOC] Add Changelog section for 3.0.1 (Commit 17c8be3 by Georg Ringer)
2014-06-04 [TASK] Simplify domain model tests (Commit 596e1a0 by Georg Ringer)
2014-06-04 [FEATURE] Add signals to the actions (Commit ee0bb26 by Georg Ringer)
2014-06-03 [BUGFIX] Update 3rd party libs (Commit 37d0267 by Georg Ringer)
2014-06-02 [TASK] Move from xml to xlf (Commit aace626 by Georg Ringer)
2014-06-02 [TASK] Add tooltip in Admin module (Commit dc62cb9 by Georg Ringer)
2014-05-30 [DOC] Add example how to extend news (Commit 4df8d51 by Georg Ringer)
2014-05-26 [BUFIX] Check if image is found in CatgeogryImportService (Commit 7a878ec by Frans Saris)
2014-05-26 [BUGFIX] fixes little typo in TypoScript example (Commit 91ed6fd by Peter Kraume)
2014-05-26 [BUGFIX] fixes wrong git repository url in documentation (Commit 543f9fa by Peter Kraume)
2014-05-23 [FEATURE] Allow type internalUrl link to FAL records (Commit 2750295 by Georg Ringer)
2014-03-28 [!!!][FEATURE] Add itemsPerPage configuration to FlexForm (Commit a0baa1a by Tom Ruether)
2014-05-22 [BUGFIX] Check category images in ImportService (Commit 8a097b7 by Georg Ringer)
2014-05-22 [TASK] Raise requirement to a secure TYPO3 version (Commit 80d8db5 by Georg Ringer)
2014-05-21 [!!!][TASK] Change FB Share VH to HTML5 (Commit 27e75b3 by Georg Ringer)
2014-05-20 [TASK] Enable functional tests in travis (Commit 909c421 by Georg Ringer)
2014-05-20 [TASK] Functional test for the SimplePrevNextViewHelper (Commit bb843ca by Georg Ringer)
2014-05-20 [TASK] Move mapping to ext_typoscript_setup.txt (Commit c5f6b21 by Georg Ringer)
2014-05-20 [BUGFIX] Fix functional tests (Commit db4e6a7 by Georg Ringer)
2014-05-20 [TASK] Updated script for related files (Commit cf6ec34 by Georg Ringer)
2014-05-19 [TASK] Use low numeric key for *RootPaths (Commit 4000656 by Jan Kiesewetter)
2014-05-19 [TASK] Set Limit if only offset is used (Commit 30d47bf by Georg Ringer)
2014-05-19 [FEATURE] Implement simple prev/next ViewHelper (Commit 9c055b3 by Georg Ringer)
2014-05-19 [TASK][DOC] Some cleanup (Commit 567adbd by Xavier Perseguers)
2014-05-19 [FEATURE] Option to restrict backend module to a given page id (Commit 01a6366 by Georg Ringer)
2014-05-19 [BUGFIX] Improve rss of feed (Commit c6ac314 by Georg Ringer)
2014-05-19 [TASK] Improve atom feed (Commit 92b9fc2 by Georg Ringer)
2014-05-16 [BUGFIX] Set datetime to current time for new records (Commit 0f27cd8 by Georg Ringer)
This list has been created by using:
git log --since="2014/05/16" --abbrev-commit --pretty='%ad %s (Commit %h by %an)' --date=short