8.2.0 - 4th May 2020

Important changes

The slug eval configuration of all 3 slug fields (news,tag and category record) is changed from uniqueInSite to unique.

If you really need uniqueInSite you can switch to this setting in the Extension settings in the Install Tool.

Some further explanation:

  • If uniqueInSite is used, news records in multiple sites can have the slug. The drawback is that those news can't be shared between these sites.
  • Using unique means that news records in multiple sites have always a different slug, no matter if the title is the same or not. Therefore news can be shared between multiple sites.

All Changes

This is a list of all changes in this release:

2020-05-06 Apply fixes from StyleCI (#1262) (Commit c0a7da2e by Georg Ringer)
2020-05-06 [!!!][BUGFIX] Change slug evaluation to unique instead of uniqueInSite (Commit b578b8f1 by Georg Ringer)
2020-05-06 [BUGFIX] Force integer for chunk size (Commit d41e9471 by Georg Ringer)
2020-05-05 [TASK] Avoid TCA migration entries for 10 LTS (Commit 9fd89417 by Georg Ringer)


This list has been created by using git log 8.1.0..HEAD --abbrev-commit --pretty='%ad %s (Commit %h by %an)' --date=short.