Upgrade the Core

Upgrading to a major release using Composer

This example details how to upgrade from one LTS release to another. In this example, the installation is running TYPO3 version 12.4.25 and the new LTS release is version 13.4.3.

Check the required PHP version

On https://get.typo3.org/ you can find the required PHP versions to run a certain TYPO3 version. For example TYPO3 13 requires at least PHP 8.2.

How to switch your PHP version depends on the hosting you are using. Please check with your hosting provider.

Check which TYPO3 packages are currently installed

TYPO3's Core contains a mix of required and optional packages. For example, typo3/cms-backend is a required package. typo3/cms-sys-note is an optional package and does not need to be installed for TYPO3 to work correctly.

Prior to upgrading, check which packages are currently installed and make a note of them.

Running composer info "typo3/*" will output a list of all TYPO3 packages that are currently installed.

Running composer require

To upgrade a Composer package, run composer require with the package name and version number.

For example, to upgrade typo3/cms-backend run composer require typo3/cms-backend:^13.4.

When upgrading to a new major release, each of TYPO3's packages will need to be upgraded.

Given that a typical installation of TYPO3 will consist of a number of packages, it is recommended that the Composer Helper Tool be used to help generate the Composer upgrade command.

Assuming that the packages below are installed locally, the following example would upgrade each of them to version 13.4.

composer require --update-with-all-dependencies "typo3/cms-adminpanel:^13.4" \
"typo3/cms-backend:^13.4" "typo3/cms-belog:^13.4" "typo3/cms-beuser:^13.4" \
"typo3/cms-core:^13.4" "typo3/cms-dashboard:^13.4"  "typo3/cms-extbase:^13.4" \
"typo3/cms-extensionmanager:^13.4" "typo3/cms-felogin:^13.4" "typo3/cms-fluid-styled-content:^13.4" \
"typo3/cms-filelist:^13.4" "typo3/cms-filemetadata:^13.4" "typo3/cms-fluid:^13.4" \
"typo3/cms-form:^13.4" "typo3/cms-frontend:^13.4" "typo3/cms-impexp:^13.4" \
"typo3/cms-info:^13.4" "typo3/cms-install:^13.4" "typo3/cms-linkvalidator:^13.4" \
"typo3/cms-lowlevel:^13.4" "typo3/cms-reactions:^13.4" "typo3/cms-recycler:^13.4" \
"typo3/cms-rte-ckeditor:^13.4" "typo3/cms-seo:^13.4"  "typo3/cms-setup:^13.4" \
"typo3/cms-sys-note:^13.4" "typo3/cms-t3editor:^13.4" "typo3/cms-tstemplate:^13.4" \
"typo3/cms-viewpage:^13.4" "typo3/cms-webhooks:^13.4" 

A typical TYPO3 installation is likely to have multiple third-party extensions installed and running the above command can create dependency errors.

For example, when upgrading from TYPO3 v12 LTS to v13 LTS an error can occur stating that "helhum/typo3-console": "^8.1" is only compatible with v12 LTS, with the new version ^9.1 supporting TYPO3 v13 LTS.

For each of these dependency errors, add the version requirement "helhum/typo3-console:^9.1" to the end of your composer require string and retry the command.

Monitoring changes to TYPO3's Core

The system extensions that are developed and exist within TYPO3's Core are likely to change over time. Some extensions are merged into others, new system extensions are added and others abandoned.

These changes are published the changelog.

Next steps

Once the upgrade is complete, there are a set of tasks that need to actioned to complete the process. See Post-upgrade tasks.