Backend user groups
While it is possible to change permissions on a per user basis, it is strongly recommended you use Groups instead. Just as for users, there are "Backend user groups" and "Frontend user groups".
This chapter provides a quick overview of backend user groups. In the next chapter we will look at changing user permissions using groups.
Console command to create backend user groups from presets
New in version 13.2
With the introduction of backend user presets it is now possible to create basic user groups via command.
You can use the vendor/
to create
pre-configured backend user groups without touching the TYPO3 backend.
vendor/bin/typo3 setup:begroups:default
typo3/sysext/core/bin/typo3 setup:begroups:default
An interactive dialog will then ask which groups should be created. It is also possible to specify the groups:
vendor/typo3 setup:begroups:default --groups Both
vendor/typo3 setup:begroups:default --groups Editor
vendor/typo3 setup:begroups:default --groups "Advanced Editor"
typo3/sysext/core/bin/typo3 setup:begroups:default --groups Both
typo3/sysext/core/bin/typo3 setup:begroups:default --groups Editor
typo3/sysext/core/bin/typo3 setup:begroups:default --groups "Advanced Editor"
The command does not support the creation of backend user groups with custom names or permissions (they can be modified later through the backend module). It is limited to creating two pre-configured backend user groups with permission presets applied.
Using the "Backend Users" module
Backend groups can also be viewed using SYSTEM > Backend users module:

We can see two groups that correspond to our users ("simple" and "advanced").
To find out what group each user is a member of, select the "information" action icon. A pop-up will open with detailed information about the group. Scroll down until you find the "References to this item:" section. This shows the list of backend users who are part of this group.