Project testing
Differences between project and extension testing
Projects usually needs to support only one PHP version, Database vendor and version and TYPO3 core version
Version raises for upgrades are usually prepared on a branch and changed instead of parallel execution.
Project may have different places for tests
- local path extension tests
Tests/* - global (root) tests
The Core mono repository is basically a project setup, having local path
extensions in typo3/
instead of the more known and lived packages/*
project folder structure.
Project structure
We assume a project structure similar to tf-basics-project here. If you are using another structure, you have to adjust some scripts.
- TYPO3 installation with Composer and default paths
- DDEV is used for local development
- Local extensions and the site package are situated in
json -
The composer.
looks like this:
"name": "sbuerk/tf-basics-project",
"description": "TYPO3 Demo Project to demonstrate basic testing integration",
"license": "GPL-2.0-or-later",
"type": "project",
"require": {
"internal/custom-command": "@dev",
"internal/custom-middleware": "@dev",
"typo3/cms-core": "^13.4",
"typo3/cms-[other_dependencies]": "^13.4"
"repositories": {
"extensions": {
"type": "path",
"url": "packages/*"
"autoload-dev": {
"psr-4": {
"SBUERK\\TfBasicsProject\\Tests\\": "Tests/"
"config": {
"allow-plugins": {
"typo3/class-alias-loader": true,
"typo3/cms-composer-installers": true
Install testing dependencies
As a bare minimum it is suggested to use
- One coding style fixer for PHP, for example friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer
- One static code analyzer for PHP, for example phpstan/phpstan
Depending on the complexity of your project you might need:
- phpunit/phpunit , if there is any PHP code of a complexity that should be tested.
- Testing of scss, TypeScript or JavaScript (not covered here)
- Linting of YAML, XML, TypoScript (not covered here)
- Writing acceptance tests
You can install all these tools as development dependencies. They will then not
be installed on your production system when Composer is executed with option
during deployment:
composer install --no-dev
For TYPO3 project you can use the package typo3/coding-standards which already requires friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer and a set of useful configuration and rules.
composer req --dev typo3/coding-standards
If you want to do Unit or Functional tests on project level you also need the TYPO3 testing framework:
composer req --dev typo3/coding-standards typo3/testing-framework
Test configuration on project level
We suggest to keep all project level test configuration in a common place that
can be excluded from deployment. The Core uses a folder called Build
one folder per test-type and we will follow that scheme here. If you put
the configuration in other directories, adjust your configuration files
Code style tests and fixing
typo3/coding-standards comes with a predefined configuration for friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer . You can override rules as needed in your own configuration:
$config = \TYPO3\CodingStandards\CsFixerConfig::create();
$baseDir = __DIR__ . '/../../';
->in($baseDir . 'config')
->in($baseDir . 'packages/*/Classes')
->in($baseDir . 'packages/*/Configuration')
->in($baseDir . 'packages/*/Tests')
->in($baseDir . 'packages/*.php')
->in($baseDir . 'Tests')
return $config;
It is recommended to also copy the .editorconfig
from the testing
framework into your main directory so that your IDE applies the same formatting
as the php-cs-fixer.
PHPstan - Static PHP analysis
When configuring PHPstan the various places in which PHP files can be found should be taken into consideration:
- phpstan-baseline.neon
level: 5
- ../../config
- ../../packages
- ../../Tests
tmpDir: .cache/phpstan/
- '**/node_modules/*'
- '**/ext_emconf.php'
It also makes sense to exclude the ext_emconf.php
and any
Unit and Functional test configuration
See the chapters Unit testing and Functional testing.
Running the tests locally
The tests can be run via PHP on your local machine or with DDEV.
Run the php-cs-fixer
To run the php-cs-fixer you need to configure the path to the configuration file:
vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer fix --config=Build/php-cs-fixer/.php-cs-fixer.dist.php
Run PHPstan
vendor/bin/phpstan --configuration=Build/phpstan/phpstan.neon
Regenerate the baseline:
vendor/bin/phpstan \
--configuration=Build/phpstan/phpstan.neon \
Run Unit tests
As Unit tests need no database or other dependencies you can run them directly on your host system or DDEV:
vendor/bin/phpunit \
-c Build/phpunit/UnitTests.xml
Run Functional tests using sqlite and DDEV
ddev exec \
typo3DatabaseDriver=pdo_sqlite \
php vendor/bin/phpunit -c Build/phpunit/FunctionalTests.xml
Run Functional tests using mysqli and DDEV
ddev exec \
typo3DatabaseDriver='mysqli' \
typo3DatabaseHost='db' \
typo3DatabasePort=3306 \
typo3DatabaseUsername='root' \
typo3DatabasePassword='root' \
typo3DatabaseName='func' \
php vendor/bin/phpunit -c Build/phpunit/FunctionalTests.xml
Organizing and storing the commands
There are different solutions to store and execute these command. For details see Test Runners: Organize and execute tests.