
New in version 12.0

This event serves as a replacement for the removed hooks:

  • $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SC_OPTIONS']['cms/layout/db_layout.php']['drawHeaderHook']
  • $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SC_OPTIONS']['cms/layout/db_layout.php']['drawFooterHook']

The PSR-14 event \TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Controller\Event\ModifyPageLayoutContentEvent allows to modify page module content.

It is possible to add additional content, overwrite existing content or reorder the content.




namespace MyVendor\MyExtension\Backend\EventListener;

use TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Controller\Event\ModifyPageLayoutContentEvent;
use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Attribute\AsEventListener;

    identifier: 'my-extension/backend/modify-page-module-content',
final readonly class MyEventListener
    public function __invoke(ModifyPageLayoutContentEvent $event): void
        // Get the current page ID
        $id = (int)($event->getRequest()->getQueryParams()['id'] ?? 0);

        $event->addHeaderContent('Additional header content');

        $event->setFooterContent('Overwrite footer content');

New in version 13.0

The PHP attribute \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Attribute\AsEventListener has been introduced to tag a PHP class as an event listener. Alternatively, or if you need to be compatible with older TYPO3 versions, you can also register an event listener via the Configuration/Services.yaml file. Switch to an older version of this page for an example or have a look at the section Implementing an event listener in your extension.


class ModifyPageLayoutContentEvent
Fully qualified name

Listeners to this Event will be able to modify the header and footer content of the page module

getRequest ( )
getModuleTemplate ( )
setHeaderContent ( string $content)

Set content for the header. Can also be used to e.g. reorder existing content.

IMPORTANT: This overwrites existing content from previous listeners!

param $content

the content

addHeaderContent ( string $content)

Add additional content to the header

param $content

the content

getHeaderContent ( )
setFooterContent ( string $content)

Set content for the footer. Can also be used to e.g. reorder existing content.

IMPORTANT: This overwrites existing content from previous listeners!

param $content

the content

addFooterContent ( string $content)

Add additional content to the footer

param $content

the content

getFooterContent ( )