
The file abstraction layer (FAL) consists of a number of components that interact with each other. Each component has a clear role in the architecture, which is detailed in this section.

Files and folders

The files and folders are facades representing files and folders or whatever equivalent there is in the system the driver is connecting to (it could be categories from a digital asset management tool, for example). They are tightly coupled with the storage, which they use to actually perform any actions. For example a copying action ( $file->copyTo($targetFolder)) is technically not implemented by the \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\File object itself but in the storage and Driver.

Apart from the shorthand methods to the action methods of the storage, the files and folders are pretty lightweight objects with properties (and related getters and setters) for obtaining information about their respective file or folder on the file system, such as name or size.

A file can be indexed, which makes it possible to reference the file from any database record in order to use it, but also speeds up obtaining cached information such as various metadata or other file properties like size or file name.

A file may be referenced by its uid in the sys_file table, but is often referred to by its identifier, which is the path to the file from the root of the storage the file belongs to. The combined identifier includes the file's identifier prepended by the storage's uid and a colon (:). Example: 1:/path/to/file/

File references

A \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\FileReference basically represents a usage of a file in a specific location, for example, as an image attached to a content element ( tt_content) record. A file reference always references a real, underlying file, but can add context-specific information such as a caption text for an image when used at a specific location.

In the database, each file reference is represented by a record in the sys_file_reference table.

Creating a reference to a file requires the file to be indexed first, as the reference is done through the normal record relation handling of TYPO3.


The storage is the focal point of the FAL architecture. Although it does not perform the actual low-level actions on a file (that is up to the driver), it still does most of the logic.

Among the many things done by the storage layer are:

  • the capabilities check (is the driver capable of writing a file to the target location?)
  • the action permission checks (is the user allowed to do file actions at all?)
  • the user mount permission check (do the user's file mount restrictions allow reading the target file and writing to the target folder?)
  • communication with the driver (it is the ONLY object that does so)
  • logging and throwing of exceptions for successful and unsuccessful file operations (although some exceptions are also thrown in other layers if necessary, of course)

The storage essentially works with \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\File and \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\Folder objects.


The driver does the actual actions on a file (for example, moving, copying, etc.). It can rely on the storage having done all the necessary checks beforehand, so it doesn't have to worry about permissions and other rights.

In the communication between storage and driver, the storage hands over identifiers to the driver where appropriate. For example, the copyFileWithinStorage() method of the driver API has the following method signature:

Excerpt from EXT:core/Classes/Resource/Driver/DriverInterface.php
 * Copies a file *within* the current storage.
 * Note that this is only about an inner storage copy action,
 * where a file is just copied to another folder in the same storage.
 * @param non-empty-string $fileIdentifier
 * @param non-empty-string $targetFolderIdentifier
 * @param non-empty-string $fileName
 * @return non-empty-string the Identifier of the new file
public function copyFileWithinStorage(string $fileIdentifier, string $targetFolderIdentifier, string $fileName): string;

The file index

Indexing a file creates a database record for the file, containing meta information both about the file (filesystem properties) and from the file (for example, EXIF information for images). Collecting filesystem data is done by the driver, while all additional properties have to be fetched by additional services.

This distinction is important because it makes clear that FAL does in fact two things:

  • It manages files in terms of assets we use in our content management system. In that regard, files are not different from any other content, like texts.
  • On the other hand, it also manages files in terms of a representation of such an asset. While the former thing only uses the contents, the latter heavily depends on the file itself and thus is considered low-level, driver-dependent stuff.

Managing the asset properties of a file (related to its contents) is not done by the storage/driver combination, but by services that build on these low-level parts.

Technically, both indexed and non-indexed files are represented by the same object type ( \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\File ), but being indexed is nevertheless an important step for a file.


Collections are groups of files defined in various ways. They can be picked up individually, by the selection of a folder or by the selection of one or more categories. Collections can be used by content elements or plugins for various needs.

The TYPO3 Core makes usage of collections for the "File Links" content object type.


The file abstraction layer also comes with a number of services:


This service processes files to generate previews or scaled/cropped images. These two functions are known as task types and are identified by class constants.

The task which generates preview images is used in most places in the backend where thumbnails are called for. It is identified by constant \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\ProcessedFile::CONTEXT_IMAGEPREVIEW.

The other task is about cropping and scaling an image, typically for frontend output. It is identified by the constant \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\ProcessedFile::CONTEXT_IMAGECROPSCALEMASK).

The configuration for \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\ProcessedFile::CONTEXT_IMAGECROPSCALEMASK is the one used for the imgResource function, but only taking the crop, scale and mask settings into account.

This service creates resized ("magic") images that can be used in the rich-text editor (RTE), for example.
This service provides a single public method which builds a list of folders (and subfolders, recursively) inside any given storage. It is used when defining file mounts.