New in version 12.0
The PSR-14 event \TYPO3\
is dispatched before the message is sent by the mailer and can be
used to manipulate the \Symfony\
and the
. Usually a
or \TYPO3\
instance is given as Raw
. Additionally the mailer instance is
given, which depends on the implementation - usually
. It contains the
object, which can be retrieved using
the get
namespace MyVendor\MyExtension\Mail\EventListener;
use Symfony\Component\Mime\Address;
use Symfony\Component\Mime\Email;
use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Attribute\AsEventListener;
use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Mail\Event\BeforeMailerSentMessageEvent;
identifier: 'my-extension/modify-message',
final readonly class MyEventListener
public function __invoke(BeforeMailerSentMessageEvent $event): void
$message = $event->getMessage();
// If $message is an Email implementation, add an additional recipient
if ($message instanceof Email) {
$message->addCc(new Address(''));
New in version 13.0
The PHP attribute \TYPO3\
has been
introduced to tag a PHP class as an event listener. Alternatively, or if you
need to be compatible with older TYPO3 versions, you can also register an
event listener via the Configuration/
file. Switch to
an older version of this page for an example or have a look at the section
Implementing an event listener in your extension.
- class BeforeMailerSentMessageEvent ¶
- Fully qualified name
CMS\ Core\ Mail\ Event\ Before Mailer Sent Message Event
This event is fired before the Mailer has sent a message and allows listeners to manipulate the RawMessage and the Envelope.
Note: Usually TYPO3CMSCoreMailMailer is given to the event. This implementation allows to retrieve the TransportInterface using the getTransport() method.
- getMessage ( ) ¶
- Returns
Component\ Mime\ Raw Message
- setMessage ( \Symfony\Component\Mime\RawMessage $message) ¶
- param $message
the message
- getEnvelope ( ) ¶
- Returns
Symfony\ Component\ Mailer\ Envelope
- setEnvelope ( ?\Symfony\Component\Mailer\Envelope $envelope = NULL) ¶
- param $envelope
the envelope, default: NULL
- getMailer ( ) ¶
- Returns
Component\ Mailer\ Mailer Interface