CSRF-like request token handling

A CSRF-like request token handling is available to mitigate potential cross-site requests on actions with side effects. This approach does not require an existing server-side user session, but uses a nonce as a "pre-session". The main scope is to ensure a user actually has visited a page, before submitting data to the webserver.

This token can only be used for HTTP methods POST, PUT or PATCH, but for instance not for a GET request.

The \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Middleware\RequestTokenMiddleware resolves request tokens and nonce values from a request and enhances responses with a nonce value in case the underlying application issues one. Both items are serialized as a JSON Web Token (JWT) hash signed with HS256. Request tokens use the provided nonce value during signing.

Session cookie names involved for providing the nonce value depending on the request:

  • typo3nonce_[hash] - plain HTTP
  • __Secure-typo3nonce_[hash] - secured HTTPS

Submitting request token value to application:

  • HTTP body, for example in <form> via parameter __RequestToken
  • HTTP header, for example in XHR via header X-TYPO3-Request-Token


The sequence looks like the following:

  1. Retrieve nonce and request token values

    This happens on the previous legitimate visit on a page that offers a corresponding form that shall be protected. The RequestToken and Nonce objects (later created implicitly in this example) are organized in the \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Context\SecurityAspect .

    Changed in version 13.3

    use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Security\RequestToken;
    use TYPO3\CMS\Core\View\ViewFactoryData;
    use TYPO3\CMS\Core\View\ViewFactoryInterface;
    final class MyController
        public function __construct(
            private readonly ViewFactoryInterface $viewFactory,
        ) {}
        public function showFormAction()
            $view = $this->viewFactory->create(new ViewFactoryData(/* ... */));
            // creating new request token with scope 'my/process' and hand over to view
            $requestToken = RequestToken::create('my/process');
            $view->assign('requestToken', $requestToken);
            // ...
        public function processAction()
            // for the implementation, see below
    <!-- Assign request token object for ViewHelper -->
    <f:form action="process" requestToken="{requestToken}">

    The HTTP response on calling the shown controller action above will be like this:

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
    Set-Cookie: typo3nonce_[hash]=[nonce-as-jwt]; path=/; httponly; samesite=strict
    <form action="/my/process" method="post">
        <input type="hidden" name="__request_token" value="[request-token-as-jwt]">
  2. Invoke action request and provide nonce and request token values

    When submitting the form and invoking the corresponding action, same-site cookies typo3nonce_[hash] and request-token value __RequestToken are sent back to the server. Without using a separate nonce in a scope that is protected by the client, the corresponding request token could be easily extracted from markup and used without having the possibility to verify the procedural integrity.

    The middleware \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Middleware\RequestTokenMiddleware takes care of providing the received nonce and received request token values in \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Context\SecurityAspect . The handling controller action needs to verify that the request token has the expected 'my/process' scope.

    use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Context\Context;
    use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Context\SecurityAspect;
    use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility;
    final class MyController
        public function showFormAction()
            // for the implementation, see above
        public function processAction()
            $context = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(Context::class);
            $securityAspect = SecurityAspect::provideIn($context);
            $requestToken = $securityAspect->getReceivedRequestToken();
            if ($requestToken === null) {
                // No request token was provided in the request
                // for example, (overridden) templates need to be adjusted
            } elseif ($requestToken === false) {
                // There was a request token, which could not be verified with the nonce
                // for example, when nonce cookie has been overridden by another HTTP request
            } elseif ($requestToken->scope !== 'my/process') {
                // There was a request token, but for a different scope
                // for example, when a form with different scope was submitted
            } else {
                // The request token was valid and for the expected scope
                // The middleware takes care to remove the cookie in case no other
                // nonce value shall be emitted during the current HTTP request
                if ($requestToken->getSigningSecretIdentifier() !== null) {