Testing enetcache
Table of contents
As an extension author, it is likely that you may want to test your extension during its development.
This chapter details how extension authors can set up automatic extension testing. We'll do that with
two examples. Both embed the given extension in a TYPO3 instance and run tests within this environment,
both examples also configure GitHub Actions to execute tests. We'll use Docker containers for test execution again and use
an extension specific run
script for executing test setup and execution.
About this chapter and what it does not cover, first.
- This documentation assumes an extension is tested with only one major Core version. It does not support extension testing with multiple target Core versions (though that is possible). The Core Team encourages extension developers to have dedicated Core branches per Core version. This has various advantages, it is for instance easy to create deprecation free extensions this way.
- We assume a Composer based setup. Extensions should provide a
file anyway and using Composer for extension testing is quite convenient.json - Similar to Core testing, this documentation relies on docker and docker-compose. See the Core testing requirements for more details.
- We assume your extensions code is located within github and automatic testing is carried out using GitHub Actions. The integration of GitHub Actions into github is easy to set up with plenty of documentation already available. If your extensions code is located elsewhere or a different CI is used, this chapter may still be of use in helping you build a general understanding of the testing process.
General strategy
Third party extensions often rely on TYPO3 Core extensions to add key functionality.
If a project needs a TYPO3 extension, it will add the required extension using composer require
to its own root composer.json file. The extensions composer.json then specifies additional detail, for
instance which PHP class namespaces it provides and where they can be found. This properly
integrates the extension into the project and the project then "knows" the location of extension
If we want to test extension code directly, we do a similar change: We turn the composer.
file of the extension into a root composer.json file.
That file then serves two needs at the same time: It is used by projects that require the extension
as a dependency and it is used as the root composer.json to specify dependencies turning the extension
into a project on its own for testing. The latter allows us to set up a full TYPO3
environment in a sub folder of the extension and execute the tests within this sub folder.
Testing enetcache
The extension enetcache is a small extension that helps with frontend plugin based caches. It has been available as Composer package and a TER extension for quite some time and is loosely maintained to keep up with current Core versions.
The following is based on the current (May, 2023) main branch of enetcache, later versions may be structured differently.
This main branch:
- supports TYPO3 v11 and TYPO3 v12
- requires typo3/testing-framework v7 (which supports v11 and v12)
Older versions of this extension were structured differently, each branch of the extension supported only one TYPO3 version:
compatible with Core v7, released to TER as 1.x.y2 2
compatible with Core v8, released to TER as 2.x.ymaster
compatible with Core v9, released to TER as 3.x.y
On this page, we focus on testing one TYPO3 version at a time though it is possible to support and test 2 TYPO3 versions in one branch with the typo3/testing-framework and enetcache does this. But, for the sake of simplicity we describe the simpler use case here.
The enetcache extension comes with a couple of unit tests
in Tests/
, we want to run these locally and by GitHub Actions, along with
some PHP linting to verify there is no fatal PHP error.
Starting point
As outlined in the general strategy, we need to extend the existing composer.
file by
adding some root composer.json specific things. This does not harm the functionality of the existing
composer.json properties if the extension is a project dependency and not used as root composer.json:
Root properties are ignored in Composer if the file is not used as root project file, see the
notes "root-only" of the Composer documentation for details.
This is how the composer.json file looks before we add a test setup:
"name": "lolli/enetcache",
"type": "typo3-cms-extension",
"description": "Enetcache cache extension",
"homepage": "https://github.com/lolli42/enetcache",
"authors": [
"name": "Christian Kuhn",
"role": "Developer"
"license": [
"require": {
"typo3/cms-core": "^13"
"autoload": {
"psr-4": {
"Lolli\\Enetcache\\": "Classes"
"extra": {
"branch-alias": {
"dev-master": "2.x-dev"
This is a typical composer.json file without any complexity: It's a typo3-
, with an
author and a license. We are stating that "I need at least 13.0.0 of cms-core" and we tell the autoloader
"find all class names starting with \Lolli\
in the Classes/ directory".
The extension already contains some unit tests that extend typo3/
's base
unit test class in directory Tests/
namespace Lolli\Enetcache\Tests\Unit\Hooks;
use TYPO3\TestingFramework\Core\Unit\UnitTestCase;
class DataHandlerFlushByTagHookTest extends UnitTestCase
* @test
public function findReferencedDatabaseEntriesReturnsEmptyArrayForTcaWithoutRelations()
// some unit test code
Preparing composer.json
Now let's add our properties to put these tests into action. First, we add a series of properties to composer.
to add root composer.
details, turning the extension into a project at the same time:
"name": "lolli/enetcache",
"type": "typo3-cms-extension",
"description": "Enetcache cache extension",
"homepage": "https://github.com/lolli42/enetcache",
"authors": [
"name": "Christian Kuhn",
"role": "Developer"
"license": [
"require": {
"typo3/cms-core": "^13"
"config": {
"vendor-dir": ".Build/vendor",
"bin-dir": ".Build/bin"
"require-dev": {
"typo3/testing-framework": "^8"
"autoload": {
"psr-4": {
"Lolli\\Enetcache\\": "Classes"
"autoload-dev": {
"psr-4": {
"Lolli\\Enetcache\\Tests\\": "Tests"
"extra": {
"branch-alias": {
"dev-master": "2.x-dev"
"typo3/cms": {
"extension-key": "enetcache",
"web-dir": ".Build/Web"
Note all added properties are only used within our root composer.
files, they are ignored if the
extension is loaded as a dependency in our project. Note: We specify .Build
build directory. This is where our TYPO3 instance will be set up. We add typo3/
in a v13 compatible version as require-
dependency. We add a autoload-
to tell composer
that test classes are found in the Tests/
Now, before we start playing around with this setup, we instruct git
to ignore runtime
on-the-fly files. The .gitignore
looks like this:
We ignore the entire .Build
directory, these are on-the-fly files that do not belong to the extension
functionality. We also ignore the .idea
directory - this is a directory where PhpStorm stores its settings.
We also ignore Build/
- this is a test runtime file created by run
And we ignore the composer.
file: We don't specify our dependency versions and a
composer install
will later always fetch for instance the youngest Core dependencies marked as
compatible in our composer.
Let's clone that repository and call composer install
lolli@apoc /var/www/local/git $ git clone git@github.com:lolli42/enetcache.git
Cloning into 'enetcache'...
X11 forwarding request failed on channel 0
remote: Enumerating objects: 76, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (76/76), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (50/50), done.
remote: Total 952 (delta 34), reused 52 (delta 18), pack-reused 876
Receiving objects: 100% (952/952), 604.38 KiB | 1.48 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (537/537), done.
lolli@apoc /var/www/local/git $ cd enetcache/
lolli@apoc /var/www/local/git/enetcache $ composer install
Loading composer repositories with package information
Updating dependencies (including require-dev)
Package operations: 75 installs, 0 updates, 0 removals
- Installing typo3/cms-composer-installers ...
- Installing typo3/testing-framework ...
Writing lock file
Generating autoload files
Generating class alias map file
Inserting class alias loader into main autoload.php file
lolli@apoc /var/www/local/git/enetcache $
To clean up any errors created at this point, we can always run rm -
later and
call composer install
again. We now have a basic TYPO3 instance in our .Build/
folder to execute
our tests in:
lolli@apoc /var/www/local/git/enetcache $ cd .Build/
lolli@apoc /var/www/local/git/enetcache/.Build $ ls
bin vendor Web
lolli@apoc /var/www/local/git/enetcache/.Build $ ls Web/
index.php typo3 typo3conf
lolli@apoc /var/www/local/git/enetcache/.Build $ ls Web/typo3/sysext/
backend Core Extbase fluid frontend
lolli@apoc /var/www/local/git/enetcache/.Build $ ls -l Web/typo3conf/ext/
total 0
lrwxrwxrwx 1 lolli www-data 29 Nov 5 14:19 enetcache -> /var/www/local/git/enetcache/
The package typo3/
that we added as require-
dependency has some basic Core
extensions set as dependency, we end up with the Core extensions backend
, core
, extbase
and frontend
in .Build/
We now have a full TYPO3 instance. It is not installed, there is no database, but we are now at the point to begin unit testing!
runTests.sh and docker-compose.yml
Next we need to setup our tests. These are the two files we need: Build/Scripts/runTests.sh and Build/testing-docker/ docker-compose.yml.
These files are re-purposed from TYPO3's Core: core Build/Scripts/runTests.sh and core Build/testing-docker/local/ docker-compose.yml. You can copy and paste these files from extensions like enetcache or styleguide to your own extension, but you should then look through the files and adapt to your needs, for example.
- search for the word "enetcache" in runTests.sh and replace it with your extension key.
- You may want to change the
in runTests.sh to your minimally supported PHP version. (You can also specify the version on the command line using runTests.sh with -p.)VERSION
Let's run the unit tests:
You may now see something similar to this:
Creating network "local_default" with the default driver
PHP 8.2.6 (cli) (built: May 13 2023 01:04:28) (NTS)
PHPUnit 10.2.0 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.
Runtime: PHP 8.2.6
Configuration: /var/www/mysite/typo3conf/ext/styleguide/Build/UnitTests.xml
. 1 / 1 (100%)
Time: 00:00.007, Memory: 12.00 MB
OK (1 test, 5 assertions)
Removing local_unit_run_1f529b0fb49d ... done
Removing network local_default
If there is no test output, try changing the verbosity when you run runTests.sh:
enetcache> Build/Scripts/runTests.sh -v
Use -h to see all options:
enetcache> Build/Scripts/runTests.sh -h
On some versions of MacOS you might get the following error message when executing run
$ ./Build/Scripts/runTests.sh
readlink: illegal option -- f
usage: readlink [-n] [file ...]
Creating network "local_default" with the default driver
ERROR: Cannot create container for service unit: invalid volume specification: '.:.:rw':
invalid mount config for type "volume": invalid mount path: '.' mount path must be absolute
Removing network local_default
To solve this issue follow the steps described here to install greadlink which supports the needed --f option.
Rather than changing the run
to then use greadlink
and thus risk breaking your automated testing via GitHub Actions consider symlinking your readlink executable to the newly installed greadlink with the following command as mentioned in the comments:
ln -s "$(which greadlink)" "$(dirname "$(which greadlink)")/readlink"
The run
file of enetcache comes with some additional features,
for example:
- it is possible to execute
composer update
from within a container usingBuild/
Scripts/ run Tests. sh - s composer Update - it is possible to execute unit tests with a several different PHP versions
(with the
option). This is available for PHP linting, too (-s lint
). - Similar to Core test execution it is possible
to break point tests using xdebug (
option) - typo3gmbh containers can be updated using
Tests. sh - u - verbose output is available with
- help is available with
Tests. sh - h
Github Actions
With basic testing in place we now want automatic execution of tests whenever something is merged to the repository and if people create pull requests for our extension, we want to make sure our carefully crafted test setup actually works. We'll use the CI service of Github Actions to take care of that. It's free for open source projects. In order to tell the CI what to do, create a new workflow file in .github/workflows/ci.yml
name: CI
on: [push, pull_request]
name: all tests
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
php: [ '8.1', '8.2' ]
minMax: [ 'composerInstallMin', 'composerInstallMax' ]
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Composer
run: Build/Scripts/runTests.sh -p ${{ matrix.php }} -s ${{ matrix.minMax }}
- name: Composer validate
run: Build/Scripts/runTests.sh -p ${{ matrix.php }} -s composerValidate
- name: Lint PHP
run: Build/Scripts/runTests.sh -p ${{ matrix.php }} -s lint
- name: Unit tests
run: Build/Scripts/runTests.sh -p ${{ matrix.php }} -s unit
- name: Functional tests with mariadb
run: Build/Scripts/runTests.sh -p ${{ matrix.php }} -d mariadb -s functional
- name: Functional tests with postgres
run: Build/Scripts/runTests.sh -p ${{ matrix.php }} -d postgres -s functional
- name: Functional tests with sqlite
run: Build/Scripts/runTests.sh -p ${{ matrix.php }} -d sqlite -s functional
In case of enetcache, we let Github Actions test the extension with the several PHP versions.
Each of these PHP Versions will also be tested with the highest and lowest compatible dependencies (defined in strategy.
All defined steps run on the same checkout, so we will see six test runs in total, one per PHP version with each minMax property.
Each run will do a separate checkout, composer install
first, then all the test and linting jobs we defined.
It's possible to see executed test runs online.
Green :)
Note we again use run
to actually run tests. So the environment our tests are executed in is
identical to our local environment. It's all dockerized. The environment provided by Github Actions is only used
to set up the docker environment.
Testing styleguide
The above enetcache extension is an example for a common extension that has few testing needs: It just comes with a couple of unit and functional tests. Executing these and maybe adding PHP linting is recommended. More ambitious testing needs additional effort. As an example, we pick the styleguide extension. This extension is developed "core-near", Core itself uses styleguide to test various FormEngine details with acceptance tests and if developing Core, that extension is installed as a dependency by default. However, styleguide is just a casual extension: It is released to composer's packagist.org and can be loaded as dependency (or require-dev dependency) in any project.
The styleguide extension follows the Core branching principle, too: At the time of this writing, its main
branch is dedicated to be compatible with Core version 13. There are branches compatible with older Core versions, too.
In comparison to enetcache, styleguide comes with additional test suites: It has functional and acceptance tests! Our goal is to run the functional tests with different database platforms, and to execute the acceptance tests. Both locally and by GitHub Actions and with different PHP versions.
Basic setup
The setup is similar to what has been outlined in detail with enetcache above: We add properties to the
composer.json file to make it a valid
root composer.json defining a project. The require-
section is a bit longer as we also
need codeception to run acceptance tests and specify a couple of additional
Core extensions for a basic TYPO3 instance. We additionally add an app-
directive in the extra section.
Next, we have another iteration of runTests.sh and docker-compose.yml that are longer than the versions of enetcache to handle the functional and acceptance tests setups, too.
With this in place we can run unit tests:
git clone git@github.com:TYPO3/styleguide.git
cd styleguide
Build/Scripts/runTests.sh -s composerUpdate
# Run unit tests
# ... OK (1 test, 4 assertions)
Functional testing
At the time writing, there is only a single functional test, but this one is important as it tests crucial functionality within styleguide: The extension comes with several different TCA scenarios to show all sorts of database relation and field possibilities supported within TYPO3. To simplify testing, code can generate a page tree and demo data for all of these scenarios. Codewise, this is a huge section of the extension and it uses quite some Core API to do its job. And yes, the generator breaks once in a while. A perfect scenario for a functional test! (slightly stripped):
namespace TYPO3\CMS\Styleguide\Tests\Functional\TcaDataGenerator;
use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Core\Bootstrap;
use TYPO3\CMS\Styleguide\TcaDataGenerator\Generator;
use TYPO3\TestingFramework\Core\Functional\FunctionalTestCase;
* Test case
class GeneratorTest extends FunctionalTestCase
* @var array Have styleguide loaded
protected $testExtensionsToLoad = [
* Just a dummy to show that at least one test is actually executed on mssql
* @test
public function dummy()
* @test
* @group not-mssql
* @todo Generator does not work using mssql DMBS yet ... fix this
public function generatorCreatesBasicRecord()
// styleguide generator uses DataHandler for some parts. DataHandler needs an
// initialized BE user with admin right and the live workspace.
$GLOBALS['BE_USER']->user['admin'] = 1;
$GLOBALS['BE_USER']->user['uid'] = 1;
$GLOBALS['BE_USER']->workspace = 0;
// Verify there is no tx_styleguide_elements_basic yet
$queryBuilder = $this->getConnectionPool()->getQueryBuilderForTable('tx_styleguide_elements_basic');
$count = (int)$queryBuilder->count('uid')
$this->assertEquals(0, $count);
$generator = new Generator();
// Verify there is at least one tx_styleguide_elements_basic record now
$queryBuilder = $this->getConnectionPool()->getQueryBuilderForTable('tx_styleguide_elements_basic');
$count = (int)$queryBuilder->count('uid')
$this->assertGreaterThan(0, $count);
Ah, shame on us! The data generator does not work well if executed using MSSQL as our DBMS. It is thus marked as
@group not-
at the moment. We need to fix that at some point. The rest is rather straight forward:
We extend from \TYPO3\
, instruct it to load
the styleguide extension ($test
), need some additional magic for the DataHandler, then
call $generator->create
and verify it created at least one record in one of our database tables.
That's it. It executes fine using run
lolli@apoc /var/www/local/git/styleguide $ Build/Scripts/runTests.sh -s functional
Creating network "local_default" with the default driver
Creating local_mariadb10_1 ... done
Waiting for database start...
Database is up
PHP ...
PHPUnit ... by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.
.. 2 / 2 (100%)
Time: 5.23 seconds, Memory: 28.00MB
OK (2 tests, 3 assertions)
Stopping local_mariadb10_1 ... done
Removing local_functional_mariadb10_run_1 ... done
Removing local_mariadb10_1 ... done
Removing network local_default
lolli@apoc /var/www/local/git/styleguide $
The good thing about this test is that it actually triggers quite some functionality below. It does tons of database inserts and updates and uses the Core DataHandler for various details. If something goes wrong in this entire area, it would throw an exception, the functional test would recognize this and fail. But if its green, we know that a large parts of that extension are working correctly.
If looking at details - for instance if we try to fix the MSSQL issue - run
can be called with -x
again for xdebug break pointing. Also, the functional test execution becomes a bit funny: We are creating
a TYPO3 test instance within .Build/
folder anyway. But the functional test setup again creates instances
for the single tests cases. The code that is actually executed is now located in a sub folder
of typo3temp/
of .Build/
, in this test case it is functional-
lolli@apoc /var/www/local/git/styleguide $ ls -l .Build/Web/typo3temp/var/tests/functional-9ad521a/
total 16
drwxr-sr-x 4 lolli www-data 4096 Nov 5 17:35 fileadmin
lrwxrwxrwx 1 lolli www-data 50 Nov 5 17:35 index.php -> /var/www/local/git/styleguide/.Build/Web/index.php
lrwxrwxrwx 1 lolli www-data 46 Nov 5 17:35 typo3 -> /var/www/local/git/styleguide/.Build/Web/typo3
drwxr-sr-x 4 lolli www-data 4096 Nov 5 17:35 typo3conf
lrwxrwxrwx 1 lolli www-data 40 Nov 5 17:35 typo3_src -> /var/www/local/git/styleguide/.Build/Web
drwxr-sr-x 4 lolli www-data 4096 Nov 5 17:35 typo3temp
drwxr-sr-x 2 lolli www-data 4096 Nov 5 17:35 uploads
This can be confusing at first, but it starts making sense the more you use it.
Also, the docker-
file contains a setup to start needed databases for the functional tests
and run
is tuned to call the different scenarios.
Acceptance testing
Not enough! The styleguide extension adds a module to the TYPO3 backend to the Topbar > Help section. Next to other things, this module adds buttons to create and delete the demo data that has been functional tested above already. To verify this works in the backend as well, styleguide comes with some straight acceptance tests in Tests/Acceptance/Backend/ModuleCest:
declare(strict_types = 1);
namespace TYPO3\CMS\Styleguide\Tests\Acceptance\Backend;
use TYPO3\CMS\Styleguide\Tests\Acceptance\Support\BackendTester;
use TYPO3\TestingFramework\Core\Acceptance\Helper\Topbar;
* Tests the styleguide backend module can be loaded
class ModuleCest
* Selector for the module container in the topbar
* @var string
public static $topBarModuleSelector = '#typo3-cms-backend-backend-toolbaritems-helptoolbaritem';
* @param BackendTester $I
public function _before(BackendTester $I)
* @param BackendTester $I
public function styleguideInTopbarHelpCanBeCalled(BackendTester $I)
$I->click(Topbar::$dropdownToggleSelector, self::$topBarModuleSelector);
$I->canSee('Styleguide', self::$topBarModuleSelector);
$I->click('Styleguide', self::$topBarModuleSelector);
$I->see('TYPO3 CMS Backend Styleguide', 'h1');
* @depends styleguideInTopbarHelpCanBeCalled
* @param BackendTester $I
public function creatingDemoDataWorks(BackendTester $I)
$I->click(Topbar::$dropdownToggleSelector, self::$topBarModuleSelector);
$I->canSee('Styleguide', self::$topBarModuleSelector);
$I->click('Styleguide', self::$topBarModuleSelector);
$I->see('TYPO3 CMS Backend Styleguide', 'h1');
$I->click('TCA / Records');
$I->waitForText('TCA test records');
$I->click('Create styleguide page tree with data');
$I->waitForText('A page tree with styleguide TCA test records was created.', 300);
* @depends creatingDemoDataWorks
* @param BackendTester $I
public function deletingDemoDataWorks(BackendTester $I)
$I->click(Topbar::$dropdownToggleSelector, self::$topBarModuleSelector);
$I->canSee('Styleguide', self::$topBarModuleSelector);
$I->click('Styleguide', self::$topBarModuleSelector);
$I->see('TYPO3 CMS Backend Styleguide', 'h1');
$I->click('TCA / Records');
$I->waitForText('TCA test records');
$I->click('Delete styleguide page tree and all styleguide data records');
$I->waitForText('The styleguide page tree and all styleguide records were deleted.', 300);
There are three tests: One verifies the backend module can be called, one creates demo data, the last
one deletes demo data again. The codeception setup needs a bit more attention to setup, though. The entry point
is the main codeception.yml file
extended by the backend suite,
a backend tester and
a codeception bootstrap extension
that instructs the basic typo3/
acceptance bootstrap to load the styleguide extension and
have some database fixtures included to easily log in to the backend. Additionally, the run
files take care of adding selenium-chrome and a web server to actually execute the tests:
lolli@apoc /var/www/local/git/styleguide $ Build/Scripts/runTests.sh -s acceptance
Creating network "local_default" with the default driver
Creating local_chrome_1 ... done
Creating local_web_1 ... done
Creating local_mariadb10_1 ... done
Waiting for database start...
Database is up
Codeception PHP Testing Framework ...
Powered by PHPUnit ... by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.
Running with seed:
Generating BackendTesterActions...
TYPO3\CMS\Styleguide\Tests\Acceptance\Support.Backend Tests (3) -------------------------------------------------------
Modules: WebDriver, \TYPO3\TestingFramework\Core\Acceptance\Helper\Acceptance, \TYPO3\TestingFramework\Core\Acceptance\Helper\Login, Asserts
⏺ Recording ⏺ step-by-step screenshots will be saved to /var/www/local/git/styleguide/Tests/../.Build/Web/typo3temp/var/tests/AcceptanceReports/
Directory Format: record_5be078fb43f86_{filename}_{testname} ----
Database Connection: {"Connections":{"Default":{"driver":"mysqli","dbname":"func_test_at","host":"mariadb10","user":"root","password":"funcp"}}}
Loaded Extensions: ["core","extbase","fluid","backend","about","install","frontend","typo3conf/ext/styleguide"]
ModuleCest: Styleguide in topbar help can be called
Time: 27.89 seconds, Memory: 28.00MB
OK (3 tests, 6 assertions)
Stopping local_mariadb10_1 ... done
Stopping local_chrome_1 ... done
Stopping local_web_1 ... done
Removing local_acceptance_backend_mariadb10_run_1 ... done
Removing local_mariadb10_1 ... done
Removing local_chrome_1 ... done
Removing local_web_1 ... done
Removing network local_default
Ok, this setup is a bit more effort, but we end up with a browser automatically clicking things in
an ad-hoc TYPO3 instance to verify this extension can perform its job. If something goes wrong, screenshots
of the failed run can be found in .Build/
Github Actions
Now we want all of this automatically checked using Github Actions. As before, we define the jobs in .github/workflows/tests.yml:
name: tests
- cron: '42 5 * * *'
name: all tests
runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
# This prevents cancellation of matrix job runs, if one or more already failed
# and let the remaining matrix jobs be executed anyway.
fail-fast: false
php: [ '8.1', '8.2' ]
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Install dependencies
run: Build/Scripts/runTests.sh -p ${{ matrix.php }} -s composerUpdate
- name: Composer validate
run: Build/Scripts/runTests.sh -p ${{ matrix.php }} -s composerValidate
- name: Lint PHP
run: Build/Scripts/runTests.sh -p ${{ matrix.php }} -s lint
- name: CGL
run: Build/Scripts/runTests.sh -n -p ${{ matrix.php }} -s cgl
- name: phpstan
run: Build/Scripts/runTests.sh -p ${{ matrix.php }} -s phpstan -e "--error-format=github"
- name: Unit Tests
run: Build/Scripts/runTests.sh -p ${{ matrix.php }} -s unit
- name: Functional Tests with mariadb and mysqli
run: Build/Scripts/runTests.sh -p ${{ matrix.php }} -d mariadb -a mysqli -s functional
- name: Functional Tests with mariadb and pdo_mysql
run: Build/Scripts/runTests.sh -p ${{ matrix.php }} -d mariadb -a pdo_mysql -s functional
- name: Functional Tests with mysql and mysqli
run: Build/Scripts/runTests.sh -p ${{ matrix.php }} -d mysql -a mysqli -s functional
- name: Functional Tests with mysql and pdo_mysql
run: Build/Scripts/runTests.sh -p ${{ matrix.php }} -d mysql -a pdo_mysql -s functional
- name: Functional Tests with postgres
run: Build/Scripts/runTests.sh -p ${{ matrix.php }} -d postgres -s functional
- name: Functional Tests with sqlite
run: Build/Scripts/runTests.sh -p ${{ matrix.php }} -d sqlite -s functional
- name: Build CSS
run: Build/Scripts/runTests.sh -s buildCss
This is similar to the enetcache example, but does some more: The functional tests are executed with three different DBMS (MariaDB, Postgres, sqlite), and the acceptance tests are executed, too. This setup takes some time to complete on Github Actions. But, it's green!