The following workflow is used to bring a translation into a TYPO3 installation.
English sources
The sources in English are maintained in the project itself.
Creating translations on
The translations for the TYPO3 Core are managed on Crowdin at
You can either translate all strings on the Crowdin platform or directly in the TYPO3 backend.
You can find the status of translations for TYPO3 Core and extensions here:
Crowdin Bridge
A separate project is accountable for exporting the translations from Crowdin. This consists of several steps:
- Trigger a build of all projects
- Download all translations including multiple branches and all available languages
- Create ZIP files of all single XLIFF files
- Copy the files to the translation server
The Crowdin Bridge is available under
Import translations into TYPO3 installations
The translations can be downloaded within a TYPO3 installation. This is described under Fetching translations.
+--------------+ +----------------+
| 1) GitHub | | 2) |
|--------------| |----------------|
| | Automated Sync |- Translate |
| TYPO3 Core |+----------------> |- Proofread |
| and | | |
| Extensions | | in all |
| | | languages |
+--------------+ +----------------+
|Triggered via GitHub actions
+-------------------+ +-----------------------+
| 3) Crowdin Bridge | | 4) Translation Server |
|-------------------| |-----------------------|
|- Build projects | |- Serves l10n zip |
|- Download | rsync to | files, requested |
| translations |+--------------->| by TYPO3 sites |
|- Create zips | |- Hosts status page |
|- Status pages | +-----------------------+