Extension folder Configuration/TCA
The folder EXT:
may contain or override
TCA (Table Configuration Array) data.
All files in this directory are automatically included during the TYPO3 bootstrap.
New in version 12.0
Files within Configuration/
files are loaded within a dedicated scope.
This means that variables defined in those files cannot leak to any other
TCA file during the TCA compilation process.
In TYPO3 v11 and below, variables declared in these files were in a shared scope,
with the risk of a leakage to the following files. The use of call_
wrap was a common workaround.
- Scope
- extension
- Path (Composer)
- packages/my_extension/Configuration/TCA/tablename.php
- Path (Classic)
- typo3conf/ext/my_extension/Configuration/TCA/tablename.php
One file per database table, using the name of the table for the file, plus ".php". Only for new tables, provided by the extension itself. Must not be used to change existing tables provided by other extensions.
- Scope
- extension
- Path (Composer)
- packages/my_extension/Configuration/TCA/Overrides/somefile.php
- Path (Classic)
- typo3conf/ext/my_extension/Configuration/TCA/Overrides/somefile.php
For extending existing tables.
General advice: One file per database table, using the name of the table for the file, plus
. For more information, see the chapter Extending the TCA array.