System configuration files


Path (Composer)
Path (Classic)

The most important configuration file is settings.php. It contains local settings of the main global PHP array $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS'] , crucial settings like database connect credentials are in here. The file is managed by the modules in section Admin Tools.


Path (Composer)
Path (Classic)

The settings in the settings.php can be overridden in the additional.php file, which is never touched by TYPO3 internal management tools. Be aware that having settings within additional.php may prevent the system from performing automatic upgrades and should be used with care and only if you know what you are doing.


Changed in version 12.0

For Composer-based installations the configuration files have been moved and renamed:

  • public/typo3conf/LocalConfiguration.php is now available in config/system/settings.php
  • public/typo3conf/AdditionalConfiguration.php is now available in config/system/additional.php

For legacy installations to:

  • typo3conf/system/settings.php
  • typo3conf/system/additional.php

This path can be retrieved from the Environment API, see getConfigPath() for both Composer-based and legacy installations.

The configuration files are automatically moved with TYPO3 v12.0 to their new locations, so no manual process is needed.

Projects working with a versioning control system such as Git might need to adapt their .gitignore file or their deployment strategies.

In addition, TYPO3 projects relying on the file locations and their structures might need adaptions.


Until TYPO3 v12 every installation required a mandatory file named typo3conf/LocalConfiguration.php.

Historically, the very original name was typo3conf/localconf.php (this is also where the extensions' file name ext_localconf.php comes from). This file was renamed in TYPO3 v6.0 to LocalConfiguration.php and since then returns a PHP array with settings then available in $TYPO3_CONF_VARS.

Specific PHP code with additional logic (e.g. context-specific conditions) was available in typo3conf/AdditionalConfiguration.php.

With TYPO3 v12, the names for both files and their location have been changed.

The prefix "Local" in LocalConfiguration.php originates from the three-divided location of "system", "global" and "local" extensions - the latter is "specific to a TYPO3 installation" where as other extensions and configuration could be shared with multiple TYPO3 installations.

TYPO3 v12 has a strong support for Composer and TYPO3's own code base has progressed since 2012, when TYPO3 v6.0 was released. TYPO3 Core itself now only consists of extensions which are available as native Composer packages. The concept of global extensions has been phased out over the past versions.

Instead, TYPO3 installations now distinguish between "dependencies" such as custom extensions, TYPO3 Core extensions or extensions from or TYPO3 Extension Repository, and "project-specific" configuration. This project-specific configuration - as known from other PHP frameworks - is now placed in a settings configuration file and additional configuration file.

Newcomers or users from other PHP projects might understand the concept of a file with certain settings much better, so the file locations and the file names have been changed.

Composer-based TYPO3 projects by default have the possibility to place certain files from outside the document root, and using the document root such as public/ as a subfolder. This way, Composer-based TYPO3 projects can restrict direct public access to such files via the webserver.

TYPO3 in its Composer mode already creates a folder named config/ on the project root level, where e.g. the site configuration is stored. Within the config/ folder, the configuration files are placed starting with TYPO3 v12:

  • public/typo3conf/LocalConfiguration.php is now available in config/system/settings.php
  • public/typo3conf/AdditionalConfiguration.php is now available in config/system/additional.php

For legacy installations the file names are:

  • typo3conf/LocalConfiguration.php is now available in typo3conf/system/settings.php
  • typo3conf/AdditionalConfiguration.php is now available in typo3conf/system/additional.php

TYPO3 v12 automatically moves the typo3conf/LocalConfiguration.php and typo3conf/AdditionalConfiguration.php to their respective new places on the first PHP request. The old file is not evaluated anymore, as soon as the file in the new location is available.