
The PSR-14 event \TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\Event\AfterPageWithRootLineIsResolvedEvent fires in the frontend process after a given page has been resolved with permissions, root line, etc.

This is useful for modifying the page and root (but before resolving the language), to direct or load content from another page, or for modifying the page response if additional permissions should be checked.



class AfterPageWithRootLineIsResolvedEvent
Fully qualified name

A PSR-14 event fired in the frontend process after a given page has been resolved with permissions, rootline etc.

This is useful to modify the page + rootline (but before the language is resolved) to direct or load content from a different page, or modify the page response if additional permissions should be checked.

getController ( )
getRequest ( )
setResponse ( \Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface $response)
param $response

the response

getResponse ( )