Backend controllers should use ModuleTemplateFactory::create()
to create instances of a \TYPO3\
API functions of the Module
can be used to add buttons to
the button bar. It also implements the \TYPO3\
so values can be assigned to it in the actions.
- class ModuleTemplate
- Fully qualified name
CMS\ Backend\ Template\ Module Template
A class taking care of the "outer" HTML of a module, especially the doc header and other related parts.
- assign ( string $key, ?mixed $value)
Add a variable to the view data collection.
- param $key
the key
- param $value
the value
- Returns
- assignMultiple ( array $values)
Add multiple variables to the view data collection.
- param $values
the values
- Returns
- render ( string $templateFileName = '')
Render the module.
- param $templateFileName
the templateFileName, default: ''
- Returns
- renderResponse ( string $templateFileName = '')
Render the module and create an HTML 200 response from it. This is a lazy shortcut so controllers don't need to take care of this in the backend.
- param $templateFileName
the templateFileName, default: ''
- Returns
Http\ Message\ Response Interface
- setBodyTag ( string $bodyTag)
Set to something like '<body id="foo">' when a special body tag is needed.
- param $bodyTag
the bodyTag
- Returns
- setTitle ( string $title, string $context = '')
Title string of the module: "My module · Edit view"
- param $title
the title
- param $context
the context, default: ''
- Returns
- getDocHeaderComponent ( )
Get the DocHeader. Can be used in controllers to add custom buttons / menus / ... to the doc header.
- Returns
CMS\ Backend\ Template\ Components\ Doc Header Component
- setForm ( string $formTag = '')
A "<form>" tag encapsulating the entire module, including doc-header.
- param $formTag
the formTag, default: ''
- Returns
- setModuleId ( string $moduleId)
Optional 'data-module-id="{moduleId}"' on first <div> in body.
Can be helpful in JavaScript.
- param $moduleId
the moduleId
- Returns
- setModuleName ( string $moduleName)
Optional 'data-module-name="{moduleName}"' on first <div> in body.
Can be helpful in JavaScript.
- param $moduleName
the moduleName
- Returns
- setModuleClass ( string $moduleClass)
Optional 'class="module {moduleClass}"' on first <div> in body.
Can be helpful styling modules.
- param $moduleClass
the moduleClass
- Returns
- addFlashMessage ( string $messageBody, string $messageTitle = '', TYPO3\CMS\Core\Type\ContextualFeedbackSeverity|int $severity = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Type\ContextualFeedbackSeverity::OK, bool $storeInSession = true)
Creates a message object and adds it to the FlashMessageQueue.
These messages are automatically rendered when the view is rendered.
- param $messageBody
the messageBody
- param $messageTitle
the messageTitle, default: ''
- param $severity
the severity, default: TYPO3CMSCoreTypeContextualFeedbackSeverity::OK
- param $storeInSession
the storeInSession, default: true
- Returns
- setFlashMessageQueue ( \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Messaging\FlashMessageQueue $flashMessageQueue)
ModuleTemplate by default uses queue 'core.template.flashMessages'. Modules may want to maintain an own queue. Use this method to render flash messages of a non-default queue at the default position in module HTML output. Call this method before adding single messages with addFlashMessage().
- param $flashMessageQueue
the flashMessageQueue
- Returns
- setUiBlock ( bool $uiBlock)
UI block is a spinner shown during browser rendering phase of the module, automatically removed when rendering finished. This is done by default, but the UI block can be turned off when needed for whatever reason.
- param $uiBlock
the uiBlock
- Returns
- getView ( )
Deprecated: since v12, will be removed in v13.
- Returns
CMS\ Fluid\ View\ Standalone View
- setContent ( string $content)
Deprecated: since v12, will be removed in v13.
- param $content
the content
- Returns
- renderContent ( )
Deprecated: since v12, will be removed in v13. Remove together with $legacyView property and Templates/Module.html.
- Returns
- getBodyTag ( )
Deprecated: since v12, will be removed in v13.
Returns the current body tag.
- Returns
Deprecated: since v12, will be removed in v13.
Generates the Menu for things like Web->Info
- param $moduleMenuIdentifier
the moduleMenuIdentifier
- Returns
Generates a menu in the docheader to access third-level modules
- param $additionalQueryParams
the additionalQueryParams, default: []
- Returns
Deprecated: since v12, will be removed in v13.
Creates a tab menu where the tabs or collapsible are rendered with bootstrap markup
- param $menuItems
Tab elements, each element is an array with "label" and "content"
- param $domId
DOM id attribute, will be appended with an iteration number per tab.
- param $defaultTabIndex
Default tab to open (for toggle <=0). Value corresponds to integer-array index + 1(index zero is "1", index "1" is 2 etc.). A value of zero (or something non-existingwill result in no default tab open., default: 1
- param $collapsible
If set, the tabs are rendered as headers instead over each sheet. Effectively this meansthere is no tab menu, but rather a foldout/fold-in menu., default: false
- param $wrapContent
If set, the content is wrapped in div structure which provides a padding and borderstyle. Set this FALSE to get unstyled content pane with fullsize content area., default: true
- param $storeLastActiveTab
If set, the last open tab is stored in local storage and will be re-open again.If you don't need this feature, e.g. for wizards like import/export you candisable this behaviour., default: true
- Returns
- header ( string $text, bool $inlineEdit = true)
Deprecated: since v12, will be removed in v13.
Returns the header-bar in the top of most backend modules Closes section if open.
- param $text
The text string for the header
- param $inlineEdit
Whether the header should be editable (e.g. page title), default: true
- Return description
HTML content
- Returns
Example: Create and use a ModuleTemplate in an Extbase Controller
The following example is extracted from the example Extbase extension EXT:blog_example. See the complete source code at t3doc/blog-example (GitHub).
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface;
use T3docs\BlogExample\Domain\Model\Post;
use TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Template\ModuleTemplate;
class BackendController extends ActionController
protected function initializeModuleTemplate(
ServerRequestInterface $request,
): ModuleTemplate {
$view = $this->moduleTemplateFactory->create($request);
return $view;
public function showPostAction(Post $post): ResponseInterface
$view = $this->initializeModuleTemplate($this->request);
$view->assign('post', $post);
return $view->renderResponse('ShowPost');