Module data object

New in version 12.0

The \TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Module\ModuleData object contains the user specific module settings, for example whether the clipboard is shown, for the requested module. Those settings are fetched from the user's session. A PSR-15 middleware automatically creates the object from the stored user data and attaches it to the PSR-7 Request.

The \TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Module\ModuleData object is available as attribute of the PSR-7 Request - in case a TYPO3 backend module is requested - and contains the stored module data, which might have been overwritten through the current request (with GET / POST).

Through the module registration one can define, which properties can be overwritten via GET / POST and their default value.

The whole determination is done before the requested route target - usually a backend controller - is called. This means, the route target can read the final module data.

The allowed properties are defined with their default value in the module registration:

'moduleData' => [
    'allowedProperty' => '',
    'anotherAllowedProperty' => true,
$MOD_SETTINGS = $request->getAttribute('moduleData');

The ModuleData object provides the following methods:

Method Parameters Description
createFromModule() $module $data Create a new object for the given module, while overwriting the default values with $data.
getModuleIdentifier()   Returns the related module identifier
get() $propertyName $default Returns the value for $propertyName, or the $default, if not set.
set() $propertyName $value Updates $propertyName with the given $value.
has() $propertyName Whether $propertyName exists.
clean() $propertyName $allowedValues Cleans a single property by the given allowed list and falls back to either the default value or the first allowed value.
cleanUp() $allowedData $useKeys Cleans up all module data, which are defined in the given allowed data list. Usually called with $MOD_MENU in a controller with module menu.
toArray()   Returns the module data as array.

In case a controller needs to store changed module data, this can still be done using $backendUser->pushModuleData('my_module', $this->moduleData->toArray());.

To restrict the values of module data properties, the given ModuleData object can be cleaned, for example, in a controller:

$allowedValues = ['foo', 'bar'];
$this->moduleData->clean('property', $allowedValues);

If ModuleData contains property, the value is checked against the $allowedValues list. If the current value is valid, nothing happens. Otherwise the value is either changed to the default or if this value is also not allowed, to the first allowed value.