Country API
New in version 12.2
TYPO3 ships a list of countries of the world. The list is based on the ISO 3166-1 standard, with the alphanumeric short name ("FR" or "FRA" in its three-letter short name), the English name ("France"), the official name ("Republic of France"), also the numerical code, and the country's flag as emoji (UTF-8 representation).
The country list is based on Debian's ISO code list and shipped statically as PHP content in the Country API.
Using the PHP API
Dependency injection can be used to retrieve the
namespace MyVendor\MyExtension;
use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Country\CountryProvider;
final class MyClass
public function __construct(
private readonly CountryProvider $countryProvider,
) {}
Get all countries
To get all countries call the get
$allCountries = $this->countryProvider->getAll();
The method returns an array of \TYPO3\
Get a country
// Get the country by Alpha-2 code
$france = $this->countryProvider->getByIsoCode('FR');
// Get the country by name
$france = $this->countryProvider->getByEnglishName('France');
// Get the country by Alpha-3 code
$france = $this->countryProvider->getByAlpha3IsoCode('FRA');
The methods return a \TYPO3\
Filter countries
One can use filters to get the desired countries:
use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Country\CountryFilter;
$filter = new CountryFilter();
// Alpha-2 and Alpha-3 ISO codes can be used
->setOnlyCountries(['AT', 'DE', 'FR', 'DK'])
->setExcludeCountries(['AUT', 'DK']);
// Will be an array with "Germany" and "France"
$filteredCountries = $this->countryProvider->getFiltered($filter);
The method get
return an array of
The Country
A country object can be used to fetch all information about it, also with translatable labels:
namespace MyVendor\MyExtension;
use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Country\CountryProvider;
use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Localization\LanguageServiceFactory;
use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Localization\Locale;
final class MyClassWithTranslation
public function __construct(
private readonly CountryProvider $countryProvider,
private readonly LanguageServiceFactory $languageServiceFactory,
) {}
public function doSomething()
$languageService = $this->languageServiceFactory->create(new Locale('de'));
$france = $this->countryProvider->getByIsoCode('FR');
// "France"
// "Frankreich"
// "French Republic"
echo $france->getOfficialName();
// "Französische Republik"
// 250
// "FR"
// "🇫🇷"
PHP API reference
- class CountryProvider
- Fully qualified name
CMS\ Core\ Country\ Country Provider
A class providing information about all countries.
Country data is generated from "Build/Scripts/updateIsoDatabase.php" (which in turn stems from
- getByAlpha2IsoCode ( string $isoCode)
- param $isoCode
the isoCode
- Returns
TYPO3\ CMS\ Core\ Country\ Country
Form ViewHelper
A Fluid ViewHelper is shipped with TYPO3 to render a dropdown for forms. See f:form.countrySelect for more information.