New in version 14.0
This PSR-14 event was introduced to add custom functionality and advanced evaluations to the the page tree filter.
The PSR-14 \TYPO3\
allows developers to extend the page trees filter's functionality and process the
given search phrase in more advanced ways.
The page tree is one of the central components in the TYPO3 backend, particularly for editors. However, in large installations, the page tree can quickly become overwhelming and difficult to navigate. To maintain a clear overview, the page tree can be filtered using basic terms, such as the page title or ID.
Example: Add evaluation of document types to the page tree search filter
The event listener class, using the PHP attribute #
registration, adds additional conditions to the filter.
namespace MyVendor\MyExtension\Frontend\EventListener;
use TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Tree\Repository\BeforePageTreeIsFilteredEvent;
use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Attribute\AsEventListener;
use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Database\Connection;
final class MyEventListener
public function removeFetchedPageContent(BeforePageTreeIsFilteredEvent $event): void
// Adds another uid to the filter
$event->searchUids[] = 123;
// Adds evaluation of doktypes to the filter
if (preg_match('/doktype:([0-9]+)/i', $event->searchPhrase, $match)) {
$doktype = $match[1];
$event->searchParts = $event->searchParts->with(
$event->queryBuilder->createNamedParameter($doktype, Connection::PARAM_INT),
BeforePageTreeIsFilteredEvent API
The event provides the following member properties:
:Parts - The search parts to be used for filtering
:Uids - The uids to be used for filtering by a special search part, which is added by Core always after listener evaluation
Phrase - The complete search phrase, as entered by the user
:Builder - The current
The Query
instance is provided solely
for context and to simplify the creation of
search parts by using the Expression
via Query
. The instance itself must not be modified by listeners and
is not considered part of the public API. TYPO3 reserves the right to change the instance at
any time without prior notice.