File upload

Implementing file uploads / attachments to Extbase domain models has always been a bit of a challenge.

While it is straight-forward to access an existing file reference in a domain model, writing new files to the FAL (File Access Layer) takes more effort.

Accessing a file reference in an Extbase domain model

You need two components for the structural information: the Domain Model definition and the TCA entry.

The domain model definition:



namespace MyVendor\MyExtension\Domain\Model;

use TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReference;
use TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\DomainObject\AbstractEntity;
use TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage;

class Blog extends AbstractEntity
    // A single file
    protected ?FileReference $singleFile = null;

     * A collection of files.
     * @var ObjectStorage<FileReference>
    protected ObjectStorage $multipleFiles;

    // When using ObjectStorages, it is vital to initialize these.
    public function __construct()
        $this->multipleFiles = new ObjectStorage();

     * Called again with initialize object, as fetching an entity from the DB does not use the constructor
    public function initializeObject(): void
        $this->multipleFiles = $this->multipleFiles ?? new ObjectStorage();

    // Typical getters
    public function getSingleFile(): ?FileReference
        return $this->singleFile;

     * @return ObjectStorage|FileReference[]
    public function getMultipleFiles(): ObjectStorage
        return $this->multipleFiles;

    // For later examples, the setters:
    public function setSingleFile(?FileReference $singleFile): void
        $this->singleFile = $singleFile;

    public function setMultipleFiles(ObjectStorage $files): void
        $this->multipleFiles = $files;

and the TCA definition:


return [
    'ctrl' => [
        // .. usual TCA fields
    'columns' => [
        // ... usual TCA columns
        'single_file' => [
            'exclude' => true,
            'label' => 'Single file',
            'config' => [
                'type' => 'file',
                'maxitems' => 1,
                'allowed' => 'common-image-types',
        'multiple_files' => [
            'exclude' => true,
            'label' => 'Multiple files',
            'config' => [
                'type' => 'file',
                'allowed' => 'common-image-types',

Once this is set up, you can create/edit records through the TYPO3 backend (for example via Web > List), attach a single or multiple files in it. Then using a normal controller and Fluid template, you can display an image.

The relevant Extbase controller part:



namespace MyVendor\MyExtension\Controller;

use MyVendor\MyExtension\Domain\Model\Blog;
use MyVendor\MyExtension\Domain\Repository\BlogRepository;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
use TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Mvc\Controller\ActionController;

class BlogController extends ActionController
    public function __construct(protected readonly BlogRepository $blogRepository)
        // Note: The repository is a standard extbase repository, nothing specific
        //       to this example.

    public function showAction(Blog $blog): ResponseInterface
        $this->view->assign('blog', $blog);

        return $this->htmlResponse();

and the corresponding Fluid template:

<html xmlns:f=""

<f:layout name="Default" />

<f:section name="main">
    <p>Single image:</p>
    <f:image image="{blog.singleFile.originalFile}" />

    <p>Multiple images:</p>
    <f:for each="{blog.multipleFiles}" as="image">
        <f:image image="{image.originalFile}" />

    <p>Access first image of multiple images:</p>
    <f:image image="{blog.multipleFiles[0].originalFile}" />

On the PHP side within controllers, you can use the usual $blogItem->getSingleFile() and $blogItem->getMultipleFiles() Extbase getters to retrieve the FileReference object.

Writing FileReference entries

Manual handling

With TYPO3 versions below v13.3, attaching files to an Extbase domain model was only possible by either:

  • Manually evaluate the $_FILES data, process and validate the data, use raw QueryBuilder write actions on sys_file and sys_file_reference to persist the files quickly, or use at least some API methods:

    EXT:my_extension/Classes/Controller/BlogController.php, excerpt
    namespace MyVendor\MyExtension\Controller;
    use MyVendor\MyExtension\Domain\Model\Blog;
    use MyVendor\MyExtension\Domain\Repository\BlogRepository;
    use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\Enum\DuplicationBehavior;
    use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\ResourceFactory;
    use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility;
    use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\StringUtility;
    use TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReference;
    use TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Mvc\Controller\ActionController;
    class BlogController extends ActionController
        public function __construct(
            protected ResourceFactory $resourceFactory,
            protected BlogRepository $blogRepository,
        ) {}
        public function attachFileUpload(Blog $blog): void
            $falIdentifier = '1:/your_storage';
            $yourFile = '/path/to/uploaded/file.jpg';
            // Attach the file to the wanted storage
            $falFolder = $this->resourceFactory->retrieveFileOrFolderObject($falIdentifier);
            $fileObject = $falFolder->addFile(
            // Initialize a new storage object
            $newObject = [
                'uid_local' => $fileObject->getUid(),
                'uid_foreign' => StringUtility::getUniqueId('NEW'),
                'uid' => StringUtility::getUniqueId('NEW'),
                'crop' => null,
            // Create the FileReference Object
            $fileReference = $this->resourceFactory->createFileReferenceObject($newObject);
            // Port the FileReference Object to an Extbase FileReference
            $fileReferenceObject = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(FileReference::class);
            // Persist the created file reference object to our Blog model
            // Note: For multiple files, a wrapping ObjectStorage would be needed

    Instead of raw access to $_FILES, starting with TYPO3 v12 the recommendation is to utilize the UploadedFile objects instead of $_FILES. In that case, validators can be used for custom UploadedFile objects to specify restrictions on file types, file sizes and image dimensions.

  • Use (or better: adapt) a more complex implementation by using Extbase TypeConverters, as provided by Helmut Hummel's EXT:upload_example. This extension is no longer maintained and will not work without larger adaptation for TYPO3 v12 compatibility.

Automatic handling based on PHP attributes

Starting with TYPO3 v13.3 it is finally possible to streamline this with commonly known Extbase logic, as implemented via Feature: #103511 - Introduce Extbase file upload and deletion handling.

An example implementation of this can be found on Torben Hansen's EXT:extbase-upload repository.

The general idea is to use PHP attributes within the Extbase Model, and for the upload use a custom ViewHelper.

The domain model:

EXT:my_extension/Classes/Domain/Model/Blog.php, using FileUpload attributes


namespace MyVendor\MyExtension\Domain\Model;

use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\Enum\DuplicationBehavior;
use TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Annotation\FileUpload;
use TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReference;
use TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\DomainObject\AbstractEntity;
use TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage;

class Blog extends AbstractEntity
    // A single file
        'validation' => [
            'required' => true,
            'maxFiles' => 1,
            'fileSize' => ['minimum' => '0K', 'maximum' => '2M'],
            'allowedMimeTypes' => ['image/jpeg'],
            'imageDimensions' => ['maxWidth' => 4096, 'maxHeight' => 4096],
        'uploadFolder' => '1:/user_upload/extbase_single_file/',
        'addRandomSuffix' => true,
        'duplicationBehavior' => DuplicationBehavior::RENAME,
    protected ?FileReference $singleFile = null;

        'validation' => [
            'required' => true,
            'fileSize' => ['minimum' => '0K', 'maximum' => '2M'],
            'allowedMimeTypes' => ['image/jpeg'],
        'uploadFolder' => '1:/user_upload/extbase_multiple_files/',

     * A collection of files.
     * @var ObjectStorage<FileReference>
    protected ObjectStorage $multipleFiles;

    // When using ObjectStorages, it is vital to initialize these.
    public function __construct()
        $this->multipleFiles = new ObjectStorage();

     * Called again with initialize object, as fetching an entity from the DB does not use the constructor
    public function initializeObject(): void
        $this->multipleFiles = $this->multipleFiles ?? new ObjectStorage();

    // Typical getters
    public function getSingleFile(): ?FileReference
        return $this->singleFile;

     * @return ObjectStorage|FileReference[]
    public function getMultipleFiles(): ObjectStorage
        return $this->multipleFiles;

    // Typical setters
    public function setSingleFile(?FileReference $singleFile): void
        $this->singleFile = $singleFile;

    public function setMultipleFiles(ObjectStorage $files): void
        $this->multipleFiles = $files;

and the corresponding Fluid template utilizing the ViewHelper:

<html xmlns:f=""

<f:layout name="Default" />

<f:section name="main">
    <f:form action="create" name="blog" object="{blog}" enctype="multipart/form-data">
            <p>Single file</p>
            <f:form.upload property="singleFile" />

            <p>Multiple files</p>
            <f:form.upload property="multipleFiles" multiple="1" />

            <f:form.submit value="Save" />

You can also allow to remove already uploaded files (for the user):

<html xmlns:f=""

<f:layout name="Default" />

<f:section name="main">
    <f:form action="create" name="blog" object="{blog}" enctype="multipart/form-data">
            <p>Single file</p>

            <f:if condition="{blog.singleFile}">
                    <f:form.uploadDeleteCheckbox id="singleFile"
                                                 fileReference="{blog.singleFile}" />
                    <label for="singleFile">Delete file</label>

            <f:form.upload property="singleFile" />

            <p>Multiple files</p>

            <f:if condition="{blog.multipleFiles}">
                <f:for each="{blog.multipleFiles}" as="file" iteration="i">
                        <f:form.uploadDeleteCheckbox id="multipleFiles.{i.index}"
                                                     fileReference="{file}" />
                        <label for="multipleFiles.{i.index}">Delete file</label>

            <f:form.upload property="multipleFiles" multiple="1" />

            <f:form.submit value="Save" />

The controller action part with persisting the data needs no further custom code, Extbase can automatically do all the domain model handling on its own. The TCA can also stay the same as configured for simply read-access to a domain model. The only requirement is that you take care of persisting the domain model after create/update actions:



namespace MyVendor\MyExtension\Controller;

use MyVendor\MyExtension\Domain\Model\Blog;
use MyVendor\MyExtension\Domain\Repository\BlogRepository;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility;
use TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Mvc\Controller\ActionController;

class BlogController extends ActionController
    public function __construct(protected readonly BlogRepository $blogRepository)
        // Note: The repository is a standard extbase repository, nothing specific
        //       to this example.

    public function listAction(): ResponseInterface
        $this->view->assign('blog', $this->blogRepository->findAll());
        return $this->htmlResponse();

    public function newAction(): ResponseInterface
        // Create a fresh domain model for CRUD
        $this->view->assign('blog', GeneralUtility::makeInstance(Blog::class));
        return $this->htmlResponse();

    public function createAction(Blog $blog): ResponseInterface
        // Set some basic attributes to your domain model that users should not
        // influence themselves, like the storage PID

        // Persisting is needed to properly create FileReferences for the File object

        return $this->redirect('list');

    public function editAction(?Blog $blog): ResponseInterface
        $this->view->assign('blog', $blog);
        return $this->htmlResponse();

    public function updateAction(Blog $item): ResponseInterface
        return $this->redirect('list');

The actual file upload processing is done after extbase property mapping was successful. If not all properties of a domain model are valid, the file will not be uploaded. This means, if any error occurs, a user will have to re-upload a file.

The implementation is done like this to prevent stale temporary files that would need cleanup or could raise issues with Denial of Service (by filling up disk-space with these temporarily uploaded files).

Reference for the FileUpload PHP attribute

File uploads can be validated by the following rules:

  • minimum and maximum file count
  • minimum and maximum file size
  • allowed MIME types
  • image dimensions (for image uploads)

Additionally, it is ensured, that the filename given by the client is valid, meaning that no invalid characters (null-bytes) are added and that the file does not contain an invalid file extension. The API has support for custom validators, which can be created on demand.

To avoid complexity and maintain data integrity, a file upload is only processed if the validation of all properties of a domain model is successful. In this first implementation, file uploads are not persisted/cached temporarily, so this means in any case of a validation failure ("normal" validators and file upload validation) a file upload must be performed again by users.

Possible future enhancements of this functionality could enhance the existing #[FileUpload] attribute/annotation with configuration like a temporary storage location, or specifying additional custom validators (which can be done via the PHP-API as described below)

File upload configuration with the FileUpload attribute

File upload for a property of a domain model can be configured using the newly introduced \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Annotation\FileUpload attribute.


EXT:my_extension/Classes/Domain/Model/Blog.php (example excerpt of an Extbase domain model)


namespace MyVendor\MyExtension\Domain\Model;

use TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Annotation\FileUpload;
use TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReference;
use TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\DomainObject\AbstractEntity;

class Blog extends AbstractEntity
        'validation' => [
            'required' => true,
            'maxFiles' => 1,
            'fileSize' => ['minimum' => '0K', 'maximum' => '2M'],
            'allowedMimeTypes' => ['image/jpeg', 'image/png'],
        'uploadFolder' => '1:/user_upload/files/',
    protected ?FileReference $file = null;

    // getters and setters like usual

All configuration settings of the \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Mvc\Controller\FileUploadConfiguration object can be defined using the FileUpload attribute. It is however not possible to add custom validators using the FileUpload attribute, which you can achieve with a manual configuration as shown below.

The currently available configuration array keys are:

  • validation (array with keys required, maxFiles, minFiles, fileSize, allowedMimeTypes, imageDimensions, see File upload validation)
  • uploadFolder (string, destination folder)
  • duplicationBehavior (object, behaviour when file exists)
  • addRandomSuffix (bool, suffixing files)
  • createUploadFolderIfNotExist (bool, whether to create missing directories)

It is also possible to use the FileUpload annotation to configure file upload properties, but it is recommended to use the FileUpload attribute due to better readability.

Manual file upload configuration

A file upload configuration can also be created manually and should be done in the initialize*Action.


Excerpt of an Extbase controller class
public function initializeCreateAction(): void
    $mimeTypeValidator = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(MimeTypeValidator::class);
    $mimeTypeValidator->setOptions(['allowedMimeTypes' => ['image/jpeg']]);

    $fileHandlingServiceConfiguration = $this->arguments->getArgument('myArgument')->getFileHandlingServiceConfiguration();
        (new FileUploadConfiguration('myPropertyName'))


Configuration options for file uploads

The configuration for a file upload is defined in a FileUploadConfiguration object.

This object contains the following configuration options.

Property name:

Defines the name of the property of a domain model to which the file upload configuration applies. The value is automatically retrieved when using the FileUpload attribute. If the FileUploadConfiguration object is created manually, it must be set using the $propertyName constructor argument.


File upload validation is defined in an array of validators in the FileUploadConfiguration object. The validator \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Validation\Validator\FileNameValidator , which ensures that no executable PHP files can be uploaded, is added by default if the file upload configuration object is created using the FileUpload attribute.

In addition, Extbase includes the following validators to validate an UploadedFile object:

Those validators can either be configured with the FileUpload attribute or added manually to the configuration object with the addValidator() method.


Defines whether a file must be uploaded. If it is set to true, the minFiles configuration is set to 1.

Minimum files

Defines the minimum amount of files to be uploaded.

Maximum files

Defines the maximum amount of files to be uploaded.

Upload folder

Defines the upload path for the file upload. This configuration expects a storage identifier (e.g. 1:/user_upload/folder/). If the given target folder in the storage does not exist, it is created automatically.

Upload folder creation, when missing

The default creation of a missing storage folder can be disabled via the property createUploadFolderIfNotExist of the #[FileUpload([...])] attribute (bool, default true).

Add random suffix

When enabled, the filename of an uploaded and persisted file will contain a random 16 char suffix. As an example, an uploaded file named job-application.pdf will be persisted as job-application-<random-hash>.pdf in the upload folder.

The default value for this configuration is true and it is recommended to keep this configuration active.

This configuration only has an effect when uploaded files are persisted.

Duplication behavior

Defines the FAL behavior, when a file with the same name exists in the target folder. Possible values are \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\Enum\DuplicationBehavior::RENAME (default), \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\Enum\DuplicationBehavior::REPLACE and \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\Enum\DuplicationBehavior::CANCEL.

Modifying existing configuration

File upload configuration defined by the FileUpload attribute can be changed in the initialize*Action.


Excerpt of an Extbase controller class
public function initializeCreateAction(): void
    $validator = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(MyCustomValidator::class);

    $argument = $this->arguments->getArgument('myArgument');
    $configuration = $argument->getFileHandlingServiceConfiguration()->getFileUploadConfigurationForProperty('file');

The example shows how to modify the file upload configuration for the argument item and the property file. The minimum amount of files to be uploaded is set to 2 and a custom validator is added.

To remove all defined validators except the DenyPhpUploadValidator, use the resetValidators() method.

Using TypoScript configuration for file uploads configuration

When a file upload configuration for a property has been added using the FileUpload attribute, it may be required make the upload folder or other configuration options configurable with TypoScript.

Extension authors should use the initialize*Action to apply settings from TypoScript to a file upload configuration.


Exercept of an Extbase controller class
public function initializeCreateAction(): void
    $argument = $this->arguments->getArgument('myArgument');
    $configuration = $argument->getFileHandlingServiceConfiguration()->getConfigurationForProperty('file');
    $configuration?->setUploadFolder($this->settings['uploadFolder'] ?? '1:/fallback_folder');

File upload validation

Each uploaded file can be validated against a configurable set of validators. The validation section of the FileUpload attribute allows to configure commonly used validators using a configuration shorthand.

The following validation rules can be configured in the validation section of the FileUpload attribute:

  • required
  • minFiles
  • maxFiles
  • fileSize
  • allowedMimeTypes
  • imageDimensions


Excerpt of an attribute withhin an Extbase domain model class
    'validation' => [
        'required' => true,
        'maxFiles' => 1,
        'fileSize' => ['minimum' => '0K', 'maximum' => '2M'],
        'allowedMimeTypes' => ['image/jpeg'],
        'imageDimensions' => ['maxWidth' => 4096, 'maxHeight' => 4096]
    'uploadFolder' => '1:/user_upload/extbase_single_file/',

Extbase will internally use the Extbase file upload validators for fileSize, allowedMimeTypes and imageDimensions validation.

Custom validators can be created according to project requirements and must extend the Extbase AbstractValidator . The value to be validated is always a PSR-7 UploadedFile object. Custom validators can however not be used in the FileUpload attribute and must be configured manually.

Deletion of uploaded files and file references

The new Fluid ViewHelper Form.uploadDeleteCheckbox ViewHelper <f:form.uploadDeleteCheckbox> can be used to show a "delete file" checkbox in a form.

Example for object with FileReference property:

Fluid code example
<f:form.uploadDeleteCheckbox property="file" fileReference="{object.file}" />

Example for an object with an ObjectStorage<FileReference> property, containing multiple files and allowing to delete the first one (iteration is possible within Fluid, to do that for every object of the collection):

Fluid code example
<f:form.uploadDeleteCheckbox property="file.0" fileReference="{object.file}" />

Extbase will then handle file deletion(s) before persisting a validated object. It will:

  • validate that minimum and maximum file upload configuration for the affected property is fulfilled (only if the property has a FileUpload )
  • delete the affected sys_file_reference record
  • delete the affected file

Internally, Extbase uses FileUploadDeletionConfiguration objects to track file deletions for properties of arguments. Files are deleted directly without checking whether the current file is referenced by other objects.

Apart from using this ViewHelper, it is of course still possible to manipulate FileReference properties with custom logic before persistence.


The ModifyUploadedFileTargetFilenameEvent allows event listeners to alter a filename of an uploaded file before it is persisted.

Event listeners can use the method getTargetFilename() to retrieve the filename used for persistence of a configured uploaded file. The filename can then be adjusted via setTargetFilename(). The relevant configuration can be retrieved via getConfiguration().

Multi-step form handling

The implementation of the file upload feature in Extbase intentionally requires to handle the FileUpload directly within the validation/persistence step of a controller action.

If you have a multi-step process in place, where the final persistence of a domain model object is only performed later on, you will need to deal with the created files.

For example, you may want to implement a preview before the final domain model entity is persisted.

Some possible ways to deal with this:

  • Implement the file handling as a DTO. The key idea here is to decouple the uploaded file into its own domain model object. You can pass that along (including its persistence identity) from one form step to the next, and only in the final step you would take care of transferring the data of this DTO into your actual domain model, and attach the FileReference object.
  • Or use client-side JavaScript. You could create a stub in your Fluid template that has placeholders for user-specified data, and then fills the actual data (before the form is submitted) into these placeholders. You can use the JavaScript FileReader() object to access and render uploaded files.